Jonathan Bossenbroek
Jonathan Bossenbroek
在 utoledo.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Prediction of long‐distance dispersal using gravity models: zebra mussel invasion of inland lakes
JM Bossenbroek, CE Kraft, JC Nekola
Ecological Applications 11 (6), 1778-1788, 2001
Risk analysis and bioeconomics of invasive species to inform policy and management
DM Lodge, PW Simonin, SW Burgiel, RP Keller, JM Bossenbroek, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 41 (1), 453-488, 2016
The potential distribution of zebra mussels in the United States
JM Drake, JM Bossenbroek
BioScience 54 (10), 931-941, 2004
Forecasting the expansion of zebra mussels in the United States
JM Bossenbroek, LE Johnson, B Peters, DM Lodge
Conservation Biology 21 (3), 800-810, 2007
Modeling the invasive emerald ash borer risk of spread using a spatially explicit cellular model
AM Prasad, LR Iverson, MP Peters, JM Bossenbroek, SN Matthews, ...
Landscape ecology 25, 353-369, 2010
Boats, pathways, and aquatic biological invasions: estimating dispersal potential with gravity models
B Leung, JM Bossenbroek, DM Lodge
Biological Invasions 8, 241-254, 2006
Patterns and pathways in the post-establishment spread of non-indigenous aquatic species: the slowing invasion of North American inland lakes by the zebra mussel
LE Johnson, JM Bossenbroek, CE Kraft
Biological Invasions 8, 475-489, 2006
Secondary spread of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in coupled lake-stream systems
AM Bobeldyk, JM Bossenbroek, MA Evans-White, DM Lodge, ...
Ecoscience 12 (3), 339-346, 2005
Effects of turbidity and prey density on the foraging success of age 0 year yellow perch Perca flavescens
CG Wellington, CM Mayer, JM Bossenbroek, NA Stroh
Journal of Fish Biology 76 (7), 1729-1741, 2010
A sensitive environmental DNA (eDNA) assay leads to new insights on Ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernua) spread in North America
AJ Tucker, WL Chadderton, CL Jerde, MA Renshaw, K Uy, C Gantz, ...
Biological Invasions 18, 3205-3222, 2016
An alternative hypothesis to invasional meltdown in the Laurentian Great Lakes region: general facilitation by Dreissena
KM DeVanna, BL Bodamer, CG Wellington, E Hammer, CM Mayer, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 37 (4), 632-641, 2011
Distribution of native mussel (Unionidae) assemblages in coastal areas of Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, and connecting channels, twenty-five years after a dreissenid invasion
DT Zanatta, JM Bossenbroek, LE Burlakova, TD Crail, F de Szalay, ...
Northeastern Naturalist 22 (1), 223-235, 2015
A spatial modeling approach to predicting the secondary spread of invasive species due to ballast water discharge
JL Sieracki, JM Bossenbroek, WL Chadderton
PLoS One 9 (12), e114217, 2014
Profiling ecosystem vulnerability to invasion by zebra mussels with support vector machines
JM Drake, JM Bossenbroek
Theoretical Ecology 2, 189-198, 2009
Predicting spread of aquatic invasive species by lake currents
D Beletsky, R Beletsky, ES Rutherford, JL Sieracki, JM Bossenbroek, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 43 (3), 14-32, 2017
Effects of water clarity on the length and abundance of age-0 yellow perch in the Western Basin of Lake Erie
NF Manning, CM Mayer, JM Bossenbroek, JT Tyson
Journal of Great Lakes Research 39 (2), 295-302, 2013
Advances in ecological and economical analysis of invasive species: dreissenid mussels as a case study
JM Bossenbroek, DC Finnoff, JF Shogren, TW Warziniack
Bioeconomics of invasive species: integrating ecology, economics, policy …, 2009
The influence of environment, sex, and innate timing mechanisms on body temperature patterns of free-ranging black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus)
EM Lehmer, JM Bossenbroek, B Van Horne
Physiological and biochemical zoology 76 (1), 72-83, 2003
Modeling turbidity type and intensity effects on the growth and starvation mortality of age-0 yellow perch
NF Manning, JM Bossenbroek, CM Mayer, DB Bunnell, JT Tyson, ...
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 71 (10), 1544-1553, 2014
Wetlands as barriers: effects of vegetated waterways on downstream dispersal of zebra mussels
BL Bodamer, JM Bossenbroek
Freshwater Biology 53 (10), 2051-2060, 2008
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