Ethical decision-making and internet research: Recommendations from the AoIR Ethics Working Committee (Version 2.0) A Markham, E Buchanan, ... | 1609 | 2012 |
Life online: Researching real experience in virtual space AN Markham Rowman Altamira, 1998 | 1322 | 1998 |
Internet inquiry: Conversations about method AN Markham, NK Baym Sage Publications, 2008 | 847* | 2008 |
The politics, ethics, and methods of representation in online ethnography A Markham Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, 793-820, 2005 | 591 | 2005 |
Fabrication as ethical practice: Qualitative inquiry in ambiguous internet contexts A Markham Information, Communication & Society 15 (3), 334-353, 2012 | 548 | 2012 |
The Internet as research context A Markham Qualitative research practice, 358-374, 2004 | 512 | 2004 |
Ethnography in the digital internet era AN Markham Denzin NK & Lincoln YS, Sage handbook of qualitative research, Thousands …, 2016 | 213 | 2016 |
Ethical decision-making and internet research: Version 2.0. recommendations from the AoIR ethics working committee A Markham, E Buchanan Available at: aoir. org/reports/ethics2. pdf, 2012 | 206* | 2012 |
Fieldwork in social media: What would Malinowski do? AN Markham Qualitative Communication Research 2 (4), 434-446, 2013 | 192 | 2013 |
Method as ethic, ethic as method A Markham Journal of Information Ethics 15 (2), 37-55, 2006 | 156 | 2006 |
Remix cultures, remix methods: Reframing qualitative inquiry for social media contexts A Markham Global dimensions of qualitative inquiry, 63-81, 2016 | 155 | 2016 |
Internet research: Ethical concerns. InJ. D. Wright (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of social and behavioural sciences (pp. 606–613) A Markham, E Buchanan Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2015 | 132* | 2015 |
Ethics as methods: doing ethics in the era of big data research—introduction AN Markham, K Tiidenberg, A Herman Social Media+ Society 4 (3), 2056305118784502, 2018 | 130 | 2018 |
Undermining ‘data’: A critical examination of a core term in scientific inquiry AN Markham First Monday, 2013 | 130 | 2013 |
Internet research A Markham Qualitative Research: Theory, method, and practice, 111-128, 2010 | 125 | 2010 |
The limits of the imaginary: Challenges to intervening in future speculations of memory, data, and algorithms A Markham New media & society 23 (2), 382-405, 2021 | 119 | 2021 |
“Go ugly early”: Fragmented narrative and bricolage as interpretive method AN Markham Qualitative Inquiry 11 (6), 813-839, 2005 | 118 | 2005 |
Representation in online ethnographies: A matter of context sensitivity AN Markham 2004). Online Social Research: Methods, Issues, and Ethics, Peter Lang, New …, 2004 | 111 | 2004 |
Metaphors reflecting and shaping the reality of the Internet: Tool, place, way of being AN Markham Unpublished manuscript) Presented at the 4th annual conference of the …, 2003 | 104* | 2003 |
Designing discourse: A critical analysis of strategic ambiguity and workplace control A Markham Management Communication Quarterly 9 (4), 389-421, 1996 | 99 | 1996 |