Chuqiao Chen
Spatial-temporal pricing for ride-sourcing platform with reinforcement learning
C Chen, F Yao, D Mo, J Zhu, XM Chen
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 130, 103272, 2021
Hybrid operations of human driving vehicles and automated vehicles with data-driven agent-based simulation
F Yao, J Zhu, J Yu, C Chen, XM Chen
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 86, 102469, 2020
Ecological cooperative adaptive cruise control for heterogenous vehicle platoons subject to time delays and input saturations
C Zhai, C Chen, X Zheng, Z Han, Y Gao, C Yan, F Luo, J Xu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (3), 2862-2873, 2022
Modeling network equilibrium of competitive ride-sourcing market with heterogeneous transportation network companies
L Ni, C Chen, XC Wang, XM Chen
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 130, 103277, 2021
Understanding network travel time reliability with on-demand ride service data
XM CHEN, X Chen, H Zheng, C Chen
Frontiers of Engineering Management 4 (4), 388-398, 2017
Spatial visitation prediction of on-demand ride services using the scaling law
XM Chen, C Chen, L Ni, L Li
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 508, 84-94, 2018
Ecological driving for connected and automated vehicles at unsaturated intersections considering queue effects
C Zhai, C Chen, X Yang, G Liu, C Yan, F Luo, J Xu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (12), 12552-12563, 2022
Optimal spatial pricing for an on-demand ride-sourcing service platform
X Chen, C Chuqiao, W Xie
Available at SSRN 3464228, 2019
A Bi‐Level Optimization Model for Ride‐Sourcing Platform’s Spatial Pricing Strategy
W Tang, H Wang, Y Wang, C Chen, X Chen
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2022 (1), 9120129, 2022
Understanding City‐Wide Ride‐Sourcing Travel Flow: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach
C Chen, S Hu, WY Ochieng, N Xie, X Chen
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2021 (1), 9929622, 2021
Implicit Lyapunov Function-based Formation Control for Heterogeneous Vehicular Platoons with Time Delays
X Chen, X Zheng, C Zhai, C Chen, KA Zimenko, H Wang, H Yin, C Yan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2419 (1), 012059, 2023
Parallel Connected LSTM for Matrix Sequence Prediction with Elusive Correlations
Q Zhao, C Chen, G Liu, Q Liu, S Chen
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 12 (4), 1-16, 2021
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