Cédric Poretti
Cédric Poretti
Associate Professor of Accounting, EHL, Switzerland
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Audit committees’ independence and the information content of earnings announcements in Western Europe
C Poretti, A Schatt, L Bruynseels
Journal of Accounting Literature 40, 29-53, 2018
COVID-19 and firm value drivers in the tourism industry
C Poretti, CY Heo
Annals of Tourism Research 95 (103433), 2022
Asset-light strategies and stock market reactions to COVID-19’s pandemic announcement: The case of hospitality firms
C Poretti, CY Heo
Tourism economics 28 (6), 1692-1701, 2022
Three anchoring managerial mechanisms to embed sustainability in service organizations
C Martin-Rios, C Poretti, GB Derchi
Sustainability 14 (1), 265, 2021
The asset-light strategies and the dividend puzzle: International evidence from the hospitality industry
C Poretti, I Blal
International Journal of Hospitality Management 91 (102639), 2020
What explains differing holding periods across hotel investments? A hazard rate framework
C Poretti, P Das
International Journal of Hospitality Management 89, 102564, 2020
Impact of leverage on financial information quality: International evidence from the hospitality industry
C Poretti, A Schatt, T Jérôme
Journal of hospitality financial management 28 (1), 4, 2020
Business strategies and financial reporting complexity in hospitality firms
C Poretti, T Jérôme, CY Heo
International Journal of Hospitality Management 110, 103429, 2023
Solidarity actions with Ukraine and hospitality firm value
JL Nicolau, C Poretti, CY Heo
Tourism Management 100 (104813), 2024
La gestion des résultats par les nouveaux dirigeants: Quels enjeux pour les conseils d’administration?
A Schatt, C Bessieux-Ollier, C Poretti
Revue Française de Gouvernance d'Entreprise 19, 69-89, 2018
Innovative business strategies, corporate performance, and firm value in the travel and leisure industry
C Poretti, JP Weisskopf, P de Vivie de Régie
International Journal of Hospitality Management 18 (103683), 2024
Family identification and earnings management in listed firms
C Poretti, T Jérôme, C Brousseau
Accounting in Europe, 2023
La gestion des résultats par les nouveaux dirigeants: quels enjeux pour les conseils d’administration?
C Bessieux-Ollier, C Poretti, A Schatt
Revue française de gouvernance d’entreprise, 2018
Plural form business strategy and financial reporting quality in hospitality firms
C Poretti, T Jérôme, P Das
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 59, 60-69, 2024
In family we trust-In good and bad times
P Masset, C Poretti, JP Weisskopf
International Review of Finance, 2023
Does gender in the audit relationship matter?: an analysis of audit fees under the prism of gender stereotype threats
C Poretti, T Jérôme
Actes du 44e Congrès de l'Association francophone de comptabilité (AFC), 2023, 2023
Earnings management by new powerful CEOs across ownership structures
C Bessieux-Ollier, C Poretti, A Schatt
Actes de la 22ème Conférence internationale de gouvernance (CIG), 2023, 2023
Fee-oriented strategies, ownership structure and analyst forecast accuracy in the hospitality industry
C Poretti, A Aoun, M Singal
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 2023
An empirical examination of relative valuation of publicly listed firms using French GAAP after IFRS adoption
C Poretti, A Schatt, M Magnan
Accounting Auditing Control 28 (2), 55-81, 2022
CEO turnover and earnings management in eponymous firms
C Bessieux-Ollier, C Poretti, A Schatt
Actes de la 21ème Conférence internationale de gouvernance (CIG), 2022, 2022
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