Marie Chollier
Marie Chollier
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Behaviour change techniques in brief interventions to prevent HIV, STI and unintended pregnancies: A systematic review
S De Vasconcelos, I Toskin, B Cooper, M Chollier, R Stephenson, ...
PloS one 13 (9), e0204088, 2018
STIs/HIV stigma and health: a short review
M Chollier, C Tomkinson, P Philibert
Sexologies 25 (4), e71-e75, 2016
Mental wellbeing and boosting resilience to mitigate the adverse consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic: A critical narrative review
A Beckstein, M Chollier, S Kaur, AR Ghimire
Sage Open 12 (2), 21582440221100455, 2022
Modifications des modes de vie et impact psychosocial du confinement lié à la COVID-19
C Tourette-Turgis, M Chollier
Médecine des maladies métaboliques 15 (1), 40-44, 2021
Perceived changes in sexual interest and distress about discrepant sexual interest during the first phase of COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-country assessment in cohabiting …
A Štulhofer, J Mehulić, P Briken, K Klapilová, H de Graaf, AA Carvalheira, ...
Archives of Sexual Behavior 51 (1), 231-246, 2022
L’impact psychosocial du (dé) confinement: repenser l’accompagnement de la population générale en période de crise
C Tourette-Turgis, M Chollier
Psychotropes 26 (2), 191-207, 2020
Prospective study on a fast-track training in psychiatry for medical students: the psychiatric hat game
A Clément, R Delage, M Chollier, L Josse, S Gaudry, JR Zahar, T Baubet, ...
BMC medical education 20, 1-7, 2020
La sexologie dans la prise en charge des auteurs de violences sexuelles
M Chollier, A Maquigeau, C Miele
Coutanceau R, Lacambre M, Blachère et P, Truffaut J, editors. Sexualité et …, 2019
Les centres ressources pour les intervenants auprès des auteurs de violences sexuelles (CRIAVS)
AH Moncany, S Vigourt-Oudart, N Canale, M Chollier, S Mouchet-Mages, ...
Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique 178 (6), 657-663, 2020
Changes in intimacy and sexuality during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative analysis of data from a survey on partnered individuals in eight European countries
C Löfgren, E Elmerstig, J Schröder, M Chollier, J Mehulić, H de Graaf, ...
Sexuality & culture 27 (2), 693-714, 2023
Towards a transnational sexual health research and policy agenda: The European sexual medicine network Delphi study
J Dupont, M Chollier, T Meštrović, E Quayle, A Skrenes, A Dewaele
Sexuality Research and Social Policy 19 (4), 1888-1903, 2022
Audition publique auteurs de violences sexuelles: prévention, évaluation, prise en charge des 14 et 15 juin 2018: perspectives et préconisations
S Mouchet-Mages, C Alezrah, S Allag-Morris, P Blachère, JC Bouvier, ...
L'Encéphale 47 (5), 495-498, 2021
Trans-National Advocacy and the Hashtag Black Lives Matter: Globalisation and Reception in the UK and France
DM Campbell, M Chollier
Exploring the Role of Social Media in Transnational Advocacy, 101-135, 2018
Définir Homosexualité
M Bonierbale, M Chollier
Lopees, Patrice ve Poudat François-Xavier, Manuel de sexologie, Elsevier …, 2013
Exploration de la dimension d’addiction sexuelle dans une population d'HSH en consultation de dépistage IST/VIH
I Massonnat-Modolo, A Chevalier, M Chollier
Sexologies 29 (3), 146-153, 2020
The perspective of current and retired world class, elite and national athletes on the inclusion and eligibility of transgender athletes in elite sport
AL Shaw, AG Williams, GK Stebbings, M Chollier, A Harvey, ...
Journal of Sports Sciences 42 (5), 381-391, 2024
Exploring sexualized substance use, sexual behaviors and HIV-screening practices in people attending erotic industry shows
M Chollier, M Bonierbale, JM Polesel, F Clergue, A Maquigneau, ...
AIDS care 35 (6), 876-882, 2023
Towards better management for sexual offenders: Presentation and conclusions of a public hearing concerning prevention, assessment, and care
S Mouchet-Mages, C Alezrah, S Allag-Morris, P Blachère, JC Bouvier, ...
L'encephale 47 (5), 495-498, 2021
Sexual risk factors related to lack of HIV-screening in people attending erotic industry shows
P Enel, M Bonierbale, A Alexandre, S Guillet, S Cambau, F Brunel, ...
AIDS care 31 (4), 465-470, 2019
Stigmatisation et impact sur le soin: l’exemple des IST/VIH
M Chollier, C Tomkinson, P Philibert
Sexologies 25 (4), 179-183, 2016
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