Seeking similarity: How immigrants and natives manage in the labor market O Åslund, L Hensvik, ON Skans Journal of Labor Economics 32 (3), 405-441, 2014 | 224 | 2014 |
Social networks, employee selection, and labor market outcomes L Hensvik, ON Skans Journal of Labor Economics 34 (4), 825-867, 2016 | 215 | 2016 |
Job search during the COVID-19 crisis L Hensvik, T Le Barbanchon, R Rathelot Journal of Public Economics 194, 104349, 2021 | 169 | 2021 |
Which jobs are done from home? Evidence from the American Time Use Survey L Hensvik, T Le Barbanchon, R Rathelot CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14611, 2020 | 150 | 2020 |
Mismatch of talent: Evidence on match quality, entry wages, and job mobility P Fredriksson, L Hensvik, ON Skans American Economic Review 108 (11), 3303-38, 2018 | 148 | 2018 |
Manager impartiality: Worker-firm matching and the gender wage gap LE Hensvik ILR Review 67 (2), 395-421, 2014 | 71 | 2014 |
Competition, wages and teacher sorting: Lessons learned from a voucher reform L Hensvik The Economic Journal 122 (561), 799-824, 2012 | 71 | 2012 |
Businesses, buddies, and babies: Fertility and social interactions at work MK Asphjell, L Hensvik, JP Nilsson Working Paper Series, Center for Labor Studies, 2013 | 67* | 2013 |
Social connections and the sorting of workers to firms M Eliason, L Hensvik, F Kramarz, ON Skans Journal of Econometrics 233 (2), 468-506, 2023 | 51 | 2023 |
Networks and youth labor market entry L Hensvik, O Nordström Skans Working Paper, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |
Gig-jobs: Stepping stones or dead ends? A Adermon, L Hensvik Labour Economics 76, 102171, 2022 | 33 | 2022 |
Connecting the young: high school graduates' matching to first jobs in booms and great recessions L Hensvik, ON Skans, D Müller IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2017 | 25* | 2017 |
Kollektivavtalen och ungdomarnas faktiska begynnelselöner A Forslund, L Hensvik, ON Skans, A Westerberg IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2012 | 22 | 2012 |
Avtalslöner, löner och sysselsättning A Forslund, L Hensvik, ON Skans, A Westerberg, T Eliasson IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Keeping the production line running: Internal substitution and employee absence L Hensvik, O Rosenqvist Journal of Human Resources 54 (1), 200-224, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
Åtgärder för en inkluderande arbetsmarknad O Nordström Skans, S Eriksson, L Hensvik SNS Förlag, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Den svenska arbetsmarknaden och dess utmaningar S Eriksson, L Hensvik, ON Skans IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Workplace presenteeism, job substitutability and gender inequality G Azmat, L Hensvik, O Rosenqvist Journal of Human Resources, 2022 | 16 | 2022 |
IZA COVID-19 Crisis response monitoring: The second phase of the crisis W Eichhorst, P Marx, U Rinne, R Böheim, T Leoni, S Tobin, A Sweetman, ... IZA–Institute of Labor Economics, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Konkurrens och sysselsättning–En empirisk studie av fem marknader K Hanspers, L Hensvik IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2011 | 14 | 2011 |