The culture of compliance: The final triumph of form over substance in sexual harassment law JL Grossman Harv. Women's LJ 26, 3, 2003 | 257 | 2003 |
Gender and Law: Theory, Doctrine, Commentary [Connected EBook] KT Bartlett, DL Rhode, JL Grossman, DL Brake, FR Cooper Aspen Publishing, 2022 | 237 | 2022 |
The Failure of Title VII as a Rights-Claiming System DL Brake, JL Grossman NCL Rev. 86, 859, 2007 | 153 | 2007 |
The first bite is free: Employer liability for sexual harassment JL Grossman U. Pitt. L. Rev. 61, 671, 1999 | 120 | 1999 |
Pregnancy, Work, and the Promise of Equal Citizenship JL Grossman Geo. LJ 98, 567, 2009 | 106 | 2009 |
Job Security Without Equality: The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 JL Grossman Wash. UJL & Pol'y 15, 17, 2004 | 103 | 2004 |
Resurrecting Comity: Revisiting the Problem of Non-Uniform Marriage Laws JL Grossman Or. L. Rev. 84, 433, 2005 | 100 | 2005 |
Women's Jury Service: Right of Citizenship or Privilege of Difference JL Grossman Stan. L. Rev. 46, 1115, 1993 | 92 | 1993 |
Making pregnancy work: Overcoming the Pregnancy Discrimination Act's capacity-based model JL Grossman, GL Thomas Yale JL & Feminism 21, 15, 2009 | 87 | 2009 |
Moving forward looking back: A retrospective on sexual harassment law JL Grossman BUL Rev. 95, 1029, 2015 | 67 | 2015 |
Gender equality: Dimensions of women's equal citizenship LC McClain, JL Grossman Cambridge University Press, 2009 | 59 | 2009 |
Inside the castle: Law and the family in 20th century America JL Grossman, LM Friedman Princeton University Press, 2011 | 57 | 2011 |
Unprotected Sex: The Pregnancy Discrimination Act at 35 DL Brake, JL Grossman Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y 21, 67, 2013 | 55 | 2013 |
Fear and loathing in Massachusetts: same-sex marriage and some lessons from the history of marriage and divorce JL Grossman BU Pub. Int. LJ 14, 87, 2004 | 54 | 2004 |
The New Illegitimacy: Tying Parentage to Marital Status for Lesbian Co-Parents JL Grossman Am. UJ Gender Soc. Pol'y & L. 20, 671, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
Constitutional parentage JL Grossman Const. Comment. 32, 307, 2017 | 40 | 2017 |
The legacy of loving JDW Gregory, JL Grossman Howard LJ 51, 15, 2007 | 36 | 2007 |
Expanding the core: Pregnancy discrimination law as it approaches full term JL Grossman Idaho L. Rev. 52, 825, 2016 | 34 | 2016 |
Separated Spouses JL Grossman Stan. L. Rev. 53, 1613, 2000 | 31 | 2000 |
Making a Federal Case Out of It: Section 1981 and At-Will Employment JL Grossman Brook. L. Rev. 67, 329, 2001 | 25 | 2001 |