Jaekyung Lee
Jaekyung Lee
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Racial and ethnic achievement gap trends: Reversing the progress toward equity?
J Lee
Educational researcher 31 (1), 3-12, 2002
Tracking achievement gaps and assessing the impact of NCLB on the gaps
J Lee, G Orfield
The impact of accountability on racial and socioeconomic equity: Considering both school resources and achievement outcomes
J Lee, KK Wong
American educational research journal 41 (4), 797-832, 2004
Revisiting the impact of NCLB high-stakes school accountability, capacity, and resources: State NAEP 1990–2009 reading and math achievement gaps and trends
J Lee, T Reeves
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 34 (2), 209-231, 2012
Is test-driven external accountability effective? Synthesizing the evidence from cross-state causal-comparative and correlational studies
J Lee
Review of educational research 78 (3), 608-644, 2008
Multiple facets of inequity in racial and ethnic achievement gaps
J Lee
Peabody Journal of Education 79 (2), 51-73, 2004
College for all: Gaps between desirable and actual P–12 math achievement trajectories for college readiness
J Lee
Educational Researcher 41 (2), 43-55, 2012
Tripartite growth trajectories of reading and math achievement: Tracking national academic progress at primary, middle, and high school levels
J Lee
American Educational Research Journal 47 (4), 800-832, 2010
Two worlds of private tutoring: The prevalence and causes of after-school mathematics tutoring in Korea and the United States
J Lee
Teachers College Record 109 (5), 1207-1234, 2007
Interstate variation in the mathematics achievement of rural and nonrural students
J Lee, WG Mcintire
Journal of Research in rural education 16 (3), 168-181, 2000
Policy variation among Japan, Korea, England and the United States
J Lee
Education Policy Analysis Archives 9, 13-13, 2001
Is the Common Core racing America to the top? Tracking changes in state standards, school practices, and student achievement
J Lee, Y Wu
Education Policy Analysis Archives 25, 35-35, 2017
Educational equity and adequacy for disadvantaged minority students: School and teacher resource gaps toward national mathematics proficiency standard
J Lee
The Journal of Educational Research 105 (1), 64-75, 2012
Is “whole child” education obsolete? Public school principals’ educational goal priorities in the era of accountability
J Lee, M Lee
Educational Administration Quarterly 56 (5), 856-884, 2020
Trick or treat: New ecology of education accountability system in the USA
J Lee
Journal of Education Policy 25 (1), 73-93, 2010
State policy correlates of the achievement gap among racial and social groups
J Lee
Studies in Educational Evaluation 24 (2), 137-152, 1998
How feasible is adequate yearly progress (AYP)? Simulations of school AYP" uniform averaging" and" safe harbor" under the No Child Left Behind Act
J Lee
Education Policy Analysis Archives 12, 14-14, 2004
Understanding Rural Student Achievement: Identifying Instructional and Organizational Differences between Rural and Nonrural Schools.
J Lee, WG McIntire
College readiness and engagement gaps between domestic and international students: Re-envisioning educational diversity and equity for global campus
J Lee, N Kim, Y Wu
Higher Education 77, 505-523, 2019
Bringing together reading and writing: An experimental study of writing intensive reading comprehension in low‐performing urban elementary schools
JL Collins, J Lee, JD Fox, TP Madigan
Reading Research Quarterly 52 (3), 311-332, 2017
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