Geraldo A Maranhão Neto
Geraldo A Maranhão Neto
Senior Postdoctoral Researcher - International Clinical Research Center (ICRC)
在 fnusa.cz 的电子邮件经过验证
Can transcranial direct current stimulation on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex improves balance and functional mobility in Parkinson’s disease?
E Lattari, SS Costa, C Campos, AJ de Oliveira, S Machado, GAM Neto
Neuroscience Letters 636, 165-169, 2017
Can Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improve Muscle Power in Individuals With Advanced Weight-Training Experience?
E Lattari, C Campos, M Lamego, S Legey, G Neto, N Rocha, A Oliveira, ...
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 34 (1), 97-103, 2020
Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on time limit and ratings of perceived exertion in physically active women
E Lattari, BS de Oliveira, BRR Oliveira, RC de Mello Pedreiro, S Machado, ...
Neuroscience letters 662, 12-16, 2018
Relationship Among Physical Activity Level, Mood and Anxiety States and Quality of Life in Physical Education Students
S Legey, F Aquino, MK Lamego, F Paes, AE Nardi, GM Neto, G Mura, ...
Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health: CP & EMH 13, 82, 2017
Acute effects of single dose transcranial direct current stimulation on muscle strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis
E Lattari, BRR Oliveira, RSM Júnior, SRM Neto, AJ Oliveira, GAM Neto, ...
PloS one 13 (12), e0209513, 2018
Can Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improve the Resistance Strength and Decrease the Rating Perceived Scale in Recreational Weight-Training Experience?
E Lattari, ML Andrade, S Alberto Filho, AM Moura, GM Neto, JG Silva, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 30 (12), 3381-3387, 2016
Componentes da aptidão física e sua influência sobre a prevalência de lombalgia
MD Polito, GAM Neto, VA Lira
Revista Brasileira de Ciência e Movimento 11 (2), 35-40, 2003
Equações de predição da aptidão cardiorrespiratória sem testes de exercício e sua aplicabilidade em estudos epidemiológicos: uma revisão sistemática
M Neto, G de Albuquerque, PMC Lourenço, PTV Farinatti
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 20 (1), 48-56, 2004
Equações de predição da aptidão cardiorrespiratória sem testes de exercício e sua aplicabilidade em estudos epidemiológicos: revisão descritiva e análise dos estudos
GA Maranhão Neto, PTV Farinatti
Rev. bras. med. esporte 9 (5), 304-314, 2003
Effects on volume load and ratings of perceived exertion in individuals' advanced weight training after transcranial direct current stimulation
E Lattari, BJ Rosa Filho, SJF Junior, E Murillo-Rodriguez, N Rocha, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 34 (1), 89-96, 2020
Validity of the physical activity readiness questionnaire (par-q) in elder subjects
LG de Oliveira Luz, GAM Neto, PTV Farinatti
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano 9, 0
Normalizing handgrip strength in older adults: An allometric approach
GAM Neto, AJ Oliveira, RC de Melo Pedreiro, PP Pereira-Junior, ...
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 70, 230-234, 2017
Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Anxiety Symptoms and Cortical Activity in Patients with Panic Disorder: A Pilot Study
E Lattari, H Budde, F Paes, GAM Neto, JC Appolinario, AE Nardi, ...
Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health: CP & EMH 14, 11, 2018
Hipertensão arterial em adolescentes do Rio de Janeiro: prevalência e associação com atividade física e obesidade
VGC Neto, S Sperandei, LAI Silva, GAM Neto, A Palma
Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 19 (6), 2014
Relationship Among Body Image, Anthropometric Parameters and Mental Health in Physical Education Students
S Legey, MK Lamego, E Lattari, C Campos, F Paes, F Sancassiani, ...
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health: CP & EMH 12, 177, 2016
Analysis of Heart Rate Deflection Points to Predict the Anaerobic Threshold by a Computerized Method
SR Marques-Neto, AS Maior, GAM Neto, EL Santos
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 26 (7), 1967-1974, 2012
Fidedignidade entre peso e estatura reportados e medidos ea influência do histórico de atividade física em indivíduos que procuram a prática supervisionada de exercícios
GAM Neto, MD Polito, VA Lira
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, Niterói 11 (2), 2005
Relationship between level of independence in activities of daily living and estimated cardiovascular capacity in elderly women
LV de Oliveira Brito, GAM Neto, H Moraes, AC Deslandes
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 59 (2), 367-371, 2014
Validity and equivalence of the Portuguese version of the Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire
GA Maranhão-Neto, ACP Leon, PTV Farinatti
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 97 (2), 130-135, 2011
Prediction of aerobic fitness without stress testing and applicability to epidemiological studies: a systematic review
M Neto, G de Albuquerque, PMC Lourenço, PTV Farinatti
Cadernos de saude publica 20 (1), 48-56, 2004
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