Perancangan Ulang User Interface Dan User Experience Pada Website Telkom University Open Library Menggunakan Metode User Centered Design RL Ramadhan, A Syahrina, A Musnansyah e-Proceeding Eng 8 (5), 1-12, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Perancangan Aplikasi Chi Chi Thai Tea Berbasis Website Pada Modul Owner Menggunakan Metode Waterfall B Basriyal, A Musnansyah, EN Alam eProceedings of Engineering 8 (5), 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Perancangan Dan Pembangunan Knowledge Management System Pada Modul Pengabdian Masyarakat Dan Penunjang Menggunakan Framework Codeigniter Dengan Metode Iterative Incremental NP Ayudhana, L Andrawina, A Musnansyah eProceedings of Engineering 2 (2), 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
A hybrid of seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (sarima) and decision tree for drought forecasting Yasnita, E Sutoyo, A Musnansyah Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Engineering and …, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Perancangan ulang user interface dan user experience pada website telkom university open library dengan metode user centered design RL Ramadhan, A Syahrina, A Musnansyah eProceedings of Engineering 8 (5), 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Perancangan Fitur Aplikasi Help Desk Ticketing Berbasis Website Pada Seksi Admin Untuk Tindakan Perbaikan Perangkat Ti Menggunakan Metode Extreme Programming Studi Kasus: Pt … ID Malik, R Fauzi, A Musnansyah eProceedings of Engineering 7 (2), 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Design approach in conference management system with ezdesk dashboard for digital ecosystem M Lubis, I Zunaedi, A Musnansyah, R Fauzi 2022 International Conference on Science and Technology (ICOSTECH), 1-7, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Assessment of spatial water quality observation of Citarum River Bandung Regency using multivariate statistical methods A Musnansyah, A KAMIL, L Marliana, E Widayati, Z Zulfakriza International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Design Approach in Document Management System: The Development of EZDESK Dashboard W Afrizal, M Lubis, A Musnansyah MATEC Web of Conferences 348, 01006, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Perancangan User Interface Untuk Memberi Kemudahan Pada Penggunaan Aplikasi Help Desk Ticketing Berbasis Website Dengan Metode User Centered Design Pada Pt. Lestari Banten Energi MF Zuhdy, R Fauzi, A Musnansyah eProceedings of Engineering 7 (2), 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Analisis Sentimen Terhadap Pemilihan Gubernur Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Tahun 2018 Menggunakan Data Twitter Dan Metode Sentiment Lexicon F Fatimah, R Agustiansya, A Musnansyah eProceedings of Engineering 6 (1), 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
Development of IoT Control System Prototype for Flood Prevention in Bandung Area Y Permatasari, MR Firdaus, H Zuhdi, H Fakhrurroja, A Musnansyah JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization 7 (3), 1016-1021, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Perancangan Ulang UI/UX Website Pengolahan Sampah Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking (Startup XYZ) H Hawari, A Musnansyah, FM Al Anshary JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi) 10 (1), 432-446, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Image Retrieval using Modified Multi Texton and Rotation Invariant Local Binary Pattern F Bimantoro, AA Aziz, AY Husodo, A Musnansyah, AE Minarno, ... 2020 International Conference on Advancement in Data Science, E-learning and …, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Dialogue System based on Reinforcement Learning in Smart Home Application H Fakhrurroja, A Musnansyah, MD Satriakamal, BK Wardana, RK Putra, ... Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Computer, Control …, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR PERANGKAT LUNAK MICROSERVICES PADA APLIKASI OPEN LIBRARY UNIVERSITAS TELKOM MENGGUNAKAN gRPC JF Lombogia, A Syahrina, A Musnansyah Telkatika: Jurnal Telekomunikasi Elektro Komputasi & Informatika 1 (2), 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Implementation of Goal-Directed Design in Designing User Interface for Job Seeking Website A Jobarteh, D Witarsyah, A Musnansyah, J Bazen, ME Saputri 2021 International Conference Advancement in Data Science, E-learning and …, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Analysis of hotspot data for drought clustering using K-means algorithm ER Ramadhan, E Sutoyo, A Musnansyah, HA Belgaman Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Engineering and …, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Perancangan Fitur Aplikasi Help Desk Ticketing Berbasis Website Pada Seksi Teknisi Untuk Tindakan Perbaikan Perangkat Ti Menggunakan Metode Extreme Programming Studi Kasus: Pt … M Rafidan, R Fauzi, A Musnansyah eProceedings of Engineering 7 (2), 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Information Dashboard Untuk Monitoring Kualitas Air Di Sungai Citarum Secara Real-time Dengan Penggunaan Sistem Telemetri A Junando, A Musnansyah, D Witarsyah eProceedings of Engineering 6 (2), 2019 | 1 | 2019 |