Beata Janowska
Beata Janowska
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Changes in carbohydrate contents of Zantedeschia leaves under gibberellin-stimulated flowering
M Kozłowska, M Rybus-Zając, J Stachowiak, B Janowska
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 29, 27-32, 2007
Effect of gibberellic acid on post-harvest
B Janowska, M Jerzy
Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research 100, 69-76, 2003
Growth rate of sweet basil and lemon balm plants grown under fluorescent lamps and LED modules
B Frąszczak, A Golcz, R Zawirska-Wojtasiak, B Janowska
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus 13 (2), 3-13, 2014
Effect of growth regulators on the postharvest longevity of cut flowers and leaves of the calla lily (Zantedeschia Spreng.)
B Janowska, A Stanecka
Acta Agrobotanica 64 (4), 2011
Trichoderma spp. Improves Flowering, Quality, and Nutritional Status of Ornamental Plants
R Andrzejak, B Janowska
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (24), 15662, 2022
Effect of gibberellic acid spraying and soaking of rhizomes on the growth and flowering of calla lily (Zantedeschia Spreng.)
B Janowska, R Andrzejak
Acta Agrobotanica 63 (2), 2010
Effect of rhizome soaking in a mixture of BA and GA3 on the earliness of flowering and quality of the yield of flowers and leaves in the calla lily (Zantedeschia Spreng.)
B Janowska, M Stanecki
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus 12 (2), 3-12, 2013
Effect of growth regulators on flower and leaf yield of the calla lily (Zantedeschia Spreng.).
B Janowska
Effect of gibberellic acid on the post-harvest flower longevity of Zantedeschia elliottiana [W. Wats] Engl.
B Janowska, M Jerzy
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus 3 (1), 3-9, 2004
Effect of gibberellic acid, benzyladenine and 8-hydroxyquinoline sulphate on post-harvest leaf longevity of Arum italicum MILL.
B Janowska, A Schroeter-Zakrzewska
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 2008
Wplyw traktowania bulw kwasem giberelinowym na kwitnienie cantedeskii
B Janowska, J Krause
Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Ogrodnictwo 33, 61-67, 2001
Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on development and flowering of Tagetes patula L.‘Yellow Boy’and Salvia splendens Buc’hoz ex Etl.‘Saluti Red’
B Jankowska, R Andrzejak
Acta agrobotanica 70 (2), 2017
Wplyw kwasu giberelinowego na kwitnienie cantedeskii elliota [Zantedeschia elliotiana [W. Wats] Engl.] Black Magic
B Janowska, A Schroeter
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych 483, 93-99, 2002
Effect of Trichoderma spp. and Fertilization on the Flowering of Begonia × tuberhybrida Voss. ‘Picotee Sunburst’
R Andrzejak, B Janowska, B Reńska, T Kosiada
Agronomy 11 (7), 1278, 2021
Effect of benzyladenine on flower and leaf yield of Calla lily (Zantedeschia Spreng.)
B Janowska
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 20 (3), 633-637, 2014
Postharvest longevity of the leaves of the calla lily (Zantedeschia Spreng.)
B Janowska, A Stanecka, B Czarnecka
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus 11 (1), 2012
Flowering and nutritional status of Gladiolus hybridus L.'Black Velvet'following gibberellin treatment.
B Janowska, R Andrzejak, T Kosiada, M Kwiatkowska, D Smolińska
Horticultural Science 45 (4), 2018
Flowering, Nutritional Status, and Content of Chloroplast Pigments in Leaves of Gladiolus hybridus L. ‘Advances Red’ after Application of Trichoderma spp.
B Andrzejak, Roman, Janowska
Sustainability 14, 4576, 2022
Yield and Quality of Inflorescences in the Zantedeschia albomaculata (Hook.) Baill. ‘Albomaculata’ after the Treatment with AMF and GA3
R Andrzejak, B Janowska
Agronomy 11 (4), 644, 2021
The influence of fungi of the Trichoderma genus on the flowering of Freesia refracta Klatt'Argentea'in winter.
B Janowska, R Andrzejak, T Kosiada
Horticultural Science 47 (4), 2020
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