African American male adolescents, schooling (and mathematics): Deficiency, rejection, and achievement DW Stinson Review of Educational Research 76 (4), 477-506, 2006 | 343 | 2006 |
Negotiating sociocultural discourses: The counter-storytelling of academically (and mathematically) successful African American male students DW Stinson American Educational Research Journal 45 (4), 975-1010, 2008 | 328 | 2008 |
Mathematics as “gate-keeper”(?): Three theoretical perspectives that aim toward empowering all children with a key to the gate DW Stinson The Mathematics Educator 14 (1), 8-18, 2004 | 317 | 2004 |
What constitutes good mathematics teaching and how it develops: Nine high school teachers’ perspectives PS Wilson, TJ Cooney, DW Stinson Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 8 (2), 83-111, 2005 | 234 | 2005 |
Negotiating the “White male math myth”: African American male students and success in school mathematics DW Stinson Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 44 (1), 69-99, 2013 | 215 | 2013 |
Teaching mathematics for social justice: Conversations with educators [Edited Volume] AA Wager, DW Stinson, [ Eds.] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2012 | 169* | 2012 |
Critical postmodern theory in mathematics education research: A praxis of uncertainty DW Stinson, EC Bullock Educational Studies in Mathematics 80 (1-2), 41-55, 2012 | 168 | 2012 |
When the “burden of acting White” is not a burden: School success and African American male students DW Stinson The Urban Review 43 (1), 43-65, 2011 | 148 | 2011 |
Critical pedagogy and teaching mathematics for social justice DW Stinson, CR Bidwell, GC Powell The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 4 (1), 76-94, 2012 | 110 | 2012 |
African American male students and achievement in school mathematics: A critical postmodern analysis of agency [Dissertation] DW Stinson The University of Georgia, 2004 | 73 | 2004 |
A sojourn into the empowering uncertainties of teaching and learning mathematics for social change [Chapter 1] DW Stinson, AA Wager Teaching mathematics for social justice: Conversations with educators [AA …, 2012 | 55* | 2012 |
The proliferation of theoretical paradigms quandary: How one novice researcher used eclecticism as a solution DW Stinson The Qualitative Report 14 (4), 498-523, 2009 | 54 | 2009 |
Exploring different theoretical frontiers for different (and uncertain) possibilities in mathematics education research [Chapter 6] DW Stinson, M Walshaw Compendium for research in mathematics education [J Cai, Ed.], 128-155, 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
Elementary teachers’ mathematical beliefs and mathematics anxiety: How do they shape instructional practices? P Hughes, S Swars Auslander, DW Stinson, CK Fortner School Science and Mathematics 119 (4), 213-222, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
Communities for and with Black male students CC Jett, DW Stinson, BA Williams Mathematics Teacher 109 (4), 284-289, 2015 | 35 | 2015 |
Learning to teach as assisted performance DS Mewborn, DW Stinson Teachers College Record 109 (6), 1457-1487, 2007 | 34 | 2007 |
A mathematics classroom of caring among a Black male teacher and Black male students JG Hunter, DW Stinson Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue 21 (1-2), 21-34, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
Critical postmodern methodology in mathematics education research: Promoting another way of thinking and looking DW Stinson, EC Bullock Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 29 (25th Anniversary Issue), 1-18, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
Teaching mathematics for social justice: An ethical and moral imperative? [Editorial] DW Stinson Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 7 (2), 1-5, 2014 | 20 | 2014 |
Counterstories from mathematically successful African American male students: Implications for mathematics teachers and teacher educators [Chapter 10] DW Stinson, CC Jett, BA Williams The brilliance of Black children in mathematics: Beyond the numbers and …, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |