Kasper David Fischer
Kasper David Fischer
Akademischer Rat, Seismologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
在 ruhr-uni-bochum.de 的电子邮件经过验证
The AlpArray seismic network: a large-scale European experiment to image the Alpine Orogen
G Hetényi, I Molinari, J Clinton, G Bokelmann, I Bondár, WC Crawford, ...
Surveys in geophysics 39, 1009-1033, 2018
Pressure-induced noise on horizontal seismometer and strainmeter records evaluated by finite element modelling
C Kroner, T Jahr, S Kuhlmann, KD Fischer
Geophysical Journal International 161 (1), 167-178, 2005
Evolution of the Variscan foreland-basin: modelling the interactions between tectonics and surface processes
KD Fischer, T Jahr, G Jentzsch
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 29 (10), 665-671, 2004
The influence of different rheological parameters on the surface deformation and stress field of the Aegean–Anatolian region
KD Fischer
International Journal of Earth Sciences 95, 239-249, 2006
The AlpArray research seismicity-catalogue
M Bagagli, I Molinari, T Diehl, E Kissling, D Giardini
Geophysical Journal International 231 (2), 921-943, 2022
FloodRisk–Induced seismicity by mine flooding–Observation, characterisation and relation to mine water rise in the eastern Ruhr area (Germany).
M Rische, KD Fischer, W Friederich
Journal of Applied & Regional Geology/Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft …, 2022
Modelling tectonics and sedimentation of the Late Carboniferous Variscan Foreland in Northwestern Europe
MP Süss, A Schäfer, G Drozdzewski, KD Fischer
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften ZDGG 159 (4 …, 2008
Sources and transfer mechanism of seismic noise: Preliminary results from FEM models
KD Fischer
Bull. d’Inf. Marees Terr 137, 10881-10886, 2002
German seismic and infrasound networks contributing to the European integrated data archive (EIDA)
K Stammler, M Bischoff, A Brüstle, L Ceranna, S Donner, K Fischer, ...
Seismological Research Letters 92 (3), 1854-1875, 2021
Induced micro seismicity due to raising mine water level in former coal mines in the eastern Ruhr area (Germany)
M Rische, KD Fischer, F Allgaier, W Friederich
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-13040, 2021
Seismotektonisch induzierte Brunnenspiegelschwankungen in der Niederrheinischen Bucht
G Grecksch, KD Fischer, HJ Kümpel
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 341-355, 1997
Dreidimensionale Modellierung der synorogenen Entwicklung des Variszischen Vorlandbeckens mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode
KD Fischer
Jena, Univ., Diss., 2001, 2001
FloodRisk–Postmining, mine water rebound, microseismicity, and ground movements
D Quandt, M Rische, T Niederhuber, F Allgaier, M Even, O Ukelis, J Greve, ...
84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2023 (1), 1-5, 2023
Spatio-temporal distribution of induced seismicity in flooded mines in the Ruhr area-interpretation by geomechanical numerical modelling
M Rische, T Niederhuber, B Müller, KD Fischer, W Friederich
DSEBRA goes to Greece and Northern Macedonia as part of AdriaArray
KD Fischer, M Paffrath, W Friederich
Microseismicity in relation to the rise of the mine water level and the regional stress field in the eastern Ruhr area
M Rische, T Niederhuber, KD Fischer, W Friederich
GeoMinKöln (2022), Köln, Deutschland, 11.09. 2022–15.09. 2022, 2022
Induced microseismicity due to mine flooding-Observation, characterisation and relation to mine water rise in the eastern Ruhr area
M Rische, KD Fischer, W Friederich
Automated realtime detection of mining induced seismicity in the Ruhr coal mining district, Germany, using master waveforms
KD Fischer, D Wlecklik, W Friederich, S Wehling-Benatelli
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-7628, 2016
Using JavaScript and the FDSN web service to create an interactive earthquake information system
KD Fischer
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7160, 2015
Mining induced seismicity in the Ruhr coal mining district, Germany
KD Fischer, S Wehling-Benatelli, S Erstling, A Brüstle, D Wlecklik
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-11351, 2013
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