Francesco Iberite
Francesco Iberite
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento
在 santannapisa.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Biomimetic intraneural sensory feedback enhances sensation naturalness, tactile sensitivity, and manual dexterity in a bidirectional prosthesis
G Valle, A Mazzoni, F Iberite, E D’Anna, I Strauss, G Granata, M Controzzi, ...
Neuron 100 (1), 37-45. e7, 2018
A closed-loop hand prosthesis with simultaneous intraneural tactile and position feedback
E D’Anna, G Valle, A Mazzoni, I Strauss, F Iberite, J Patton, FM Petrini, ...
Science Robotics 4 (27), eaau8892, 2019
Comparison of linear frequency and amplitude modulation for intraneural sensory feedback in bidirectional hand prostheses
G Valle, FM Petrini, I Strauss, F Iberite, E D’Anna, G Granata, M Controzzi, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16666, 2018
Intraneural sensory feedback restores grip force control and motor coordination while using a prosthetic hand
F Clemente, G Valle, M Controzzi, I Strauss, F Iberite, T Stieglitz, ...
Journal of neural engineering 16 (2), 026034, 2019
Sustainable method for Alzheimer dementia prediction in mild cognitive impairment: Electroencephalographic connectivity and graph theory combined with apolipoprotein E
F Vecchio, F Miraglia, F Iberite, G Lacidogna, V Guglielmi, C Marra, ...
Annals of neurology 84 (2), 302-314, 2018
Current solutions and future trends for robotic prosthetic hands
V Mendez, F Iberite, S Shokur, S Micera
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 4 (1), 595-627, 2021
Cortical connectivity modulation during sleep onset: a study via graph theory on EEG data
F Vecchio, F Miraglia, M Gorgoni, M Ferrara, F Iberite, P Bramanti, ...
Human Brain Mapping 38 (11), 5456-5464, 2017
Optimal integration of intraneural somatosensory feedback with visual information: a single-case study
G Risso, G Valle, F Iberite, I Strauss, T Stieglitz, M Controzzi, F Clemente, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7916, 2019
Restoration of natural thermal sensation in upper-limb amputees
F Iberite, J Muheim, O Akouissi, S Gallo, G Rognini, F Morosato, A Clerc, ...
Science 380 (6646), 731-735, 2023
Comparison of linear frequency and amplitude modulation for intraneural sensory feedback in bidirectional hand prostheses. Sci Rep 8: 1–13
G Valle, FM Petrini, I Strauss, F Iberite, E D’Anna, G Granata, M Controzzi, ...
A psychometric platform to collect somatosensory sensations for neuroprosthetic use
G Valle, F Iberite, I Strauss, E D'Anna, G Granata, R Di Iorio, T Stieglitz, ...
Frontiers in Medical Technology 3, 619280, 2021
Wearable High‐Density MXene‐Bioelectronics for Neuromuscular Diagnostics, Rehabilitation, and Assistive Technologies
R Garg, N Driscoll, S Shankar, T Hullfish, E Anselmino, F Iberite, ...
Small Methods 7 (8), 2201318, 2023
Brain reactions to the use of sensorized hand prosthesis in amputees
G Granata, R Di Iorio, F Miraglia, M Caulo, F Iodice, F Vecchio, G Valle, ...
Brain and behavior 10 (11), e01734, 2020
Early decoding of walking tasks with minimal set of EMG channels
F Barberi, F Iberite, E Anselmino, P Randi, R Sacchetti, E Gruppioni, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 20 (2), 026038, 2023
Cortical plasticity after hand prostheses use: Is the hypothesis of deafferented cortex “invasion” always true?
G Granata, G Valle, R Di Iorio, F Iodice, FM Petrini, I Strauss, E D'anna, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 131 (10), 2341-2348, 2020
Remapping wetness perception in upper limb amputees
M Ploumitsakou, J Muheim, A Felouzis, NI Carbonell Muñoz, F Iberite, ...
Advanced Intelligent Systems 6 (3), 2300512, 2024
A sensory-motor hand prosthesis with integrated thermal feedback
J Muheim, F Iberite, O Akouissi, R Monney, F Morosato, E Gruppioni, ...
Med 5 (2), 118-125. e5, 2024
Thermal sensing device and sensory feedback system and method using such thermal sensing device
S Shokur, O Akouissi, F Iberite, JL Muheim, A Clerc, S Micera
Feasibility of a Portable, Wearable, High-Density Surface EMG Device for Detecting Functional Hand-Object Interactions
A Bandini, G Zecchin, F Iberite, T Proietti, S Micera, E Ambrosini
2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality …, 2023
Biomimetic bidirectional hand neuroprostheses for restoring somatosensory and motor functions
F Iberite, V Mendez, A Mazzoni, S Shokur, S Micera
Somatosensory Feedback for Neuroprosthetics, 321-345, 2021
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