Luigi Guerriero
Luigi Guerriero
Federico Il University of Naples
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Influence of slip-surface geometry on earth-flow deformation, Montaguto earth flow, southern Italy
L Guerriero, JA Coe, P Revellino, G Grelle, F Pinto, FM Guadagno
Geomorphology 219, 285-305, 2014
Space–time prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides through a combined probabilistic/deterministic approach, optimized for initial water table conditions
G Grelle, M Soriano, P Revellino, L Guerriero, MG Anderson, A Diambra, ...
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 73, 877-890, 2014
Multi-temporal maps of the Montaguto earth flow in southern Italy from 1954 to 2010
L Guerriero, P Revellino, JA Coe, M Focareta, G Grelle, V Albanese, ...
Journal of Maps 9 (1), 135-145, 2013
Thermal compensation of low-cost MEMS accelerometers for tilt measurements
G Ruzza, L Guerriero, P Revellino, FM Guadagno
Sensors 18 (8), 2536, 2018
Predicting monthly spring discharges using a simple statistical model
N Diodato, L Guerriero, F Fiorillo, L Esposito, P Revellino, G Grelle, ...
Water resources management 28, 969-978, 2014
Flood hazard mapping incorporating multiple probability models
L Guerriero, G Ruzza, FM Guadagno, P Revellino
Journal of Hydrology 587, 125020, 2020
Initiation and propagation of the 2005 debris avalanche at Nocera Inferiore (Southern Italy)
P Revellino, L Guerriero, G Grelle, O Hungr, F Fiorillo, L Esposito, ...
Italian Journal of Geosciences 132 (3), 366-379, 2013
Unsteady sediment discharge in earth flows: A case study from the Mount Pizzuto earth flow, southern Italy
L Guerriero, L Bertello, N Cardozo, M Berti, G Grelle, P Revellino
Geomorphology 295, 260-284, 2017
Flood hazard of major river segments, Benevento Province, Southern Italy
L Guerriero, M Focareta, G Fusco, R Rabuano, FM Guadagno, ...
Journal of Maps 14 (2), 597-606, 2018
Landslide awareness system (Laws) to increase the resilience and safety of transport infrastructure: The case study of pan-American highway (Cuenca–Ecuador)
P Miele, M Di Napoli, L Guerriero, M Ramondini, C Sellers, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (8), 1564, 2021
A multi-module fixed inclinometer for continuous monitoring of landslides: Design, development, and laboratory testing
G Ruzza, L Guerriero, P Revellino, FM Guadagno
Sensors 20 (11), 3318, 2020
PS-driven inventory of town-damaging landslides in the Benevento, Avellino and Salerno Provinces, southern Italy
L Guerriero, P Confuorto, D Calcaterra, FM Guadagno, P Revellino, ...
Journal of Maps 15 (2), 619-625, 2019
Digital image correlation of Google Earth images for Earth’s surface displacement estimation
L Guerriero, D Di Martire, D Calcaterra, M Francioni
Remote sensing 12 (21), 3518, 2020
Multi-method tracking of monsoon floods using Sentinel-1 imagery
G Ruzza, L Guerriero, G Grelle, FM Guadagno, P Revellino
Water 11 (11), 2289, 2019
Brief Communication: A low-cost Arduino®-based wire extensometer for earth flow monitoring
L Guerriero, G Guerriero, G Grelle, FM Guadagno, P Revellino
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 17 (6), 881-885, 2017
The Mount Pizzuto earth flow: deformational pattern and recent thrusting evolution
L Guerriero, P Revellino, A Luongo, M Focareta, G Grelle, FM Guadagno
Journal of Maps 12 (5), 1187-1194, 2016
Structural and lithostratigraphic controls of earth-flow evolution, Montaguto earth flow, Southern Italy
F Pinto, L Guerriero, P Revellino, G Grelle, MR Senatore, FM Guadagno
Journal of the Geological Society 173 (4), 649-665, 2016
Anthropogenic sinkholes of the city of Naples, Italy: An update
R Tufano, L Guerriero, M Annibali Corona, G Bausilio, D Di Martire, ...
Natural Hazards 112 (3), 2577-2608, 2022
Estimation of earth-slide displacement from GPS-based surface-structure geometry reconstruction: estimation of earth-slide displacement
L Guerriero, FM Guadagno, P Revellino
Landslides 16, 425-430, 2019
Multiple effects of intense meteorological events in the Benevento Province, Southern Italy
P Revellino, L Guerriero, N Mascellaro, F Fiorillo, G Grelle, G Ruzza, ...
Water 11 (8), 1560, 2019
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