Tim Joda
Tim Joda
Reconstructive Dentistry, University of Zurich
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The complete digital workflow in fixed prosthodontics: a systematic review
T Joda, F Zarone, M Ferrari
BMC oral health 17, 1-9, 2017
Impact of digital intraoral scan strategies on the impression accuracy using the TRIOS Pod scanner.
P Müller, A Ender, T Joda, J Katsoulis
Quintessence international 47 (4), 2016
Patient‐centered outcomes comparing digital and conventional implant impression procedures: a randomized crossover trial
T Joda, U Brägger
Clinical oral implants research 27 (12), e185-e189, 2016
Digital vs. conventional implant prosthetic workflows: a cost/time analysis
T Joda, U Brägger
Clinical oral implants research 26 (12), 1430-1435, 2015
Screw retained vs. cement retained implant‐supported fixed dental prosthesis
JG Wittneben, T Joda, HP Weber, U Brägger
Periodontology 2000 73 (1), 141-151, 2017
Augmented and virtual reality in dental medicine: A systematic review
T Joda, GO Gallucci, D Wismeijer, NU Zitzmann
Computers in biology and medicine 108, 93-100, 2019
Digital technology in fixed implant prosthodontics
T Joda, M Ferrari, GO Gallucci, JG Wittneben, U Brägger
Periodontology 2000 73 (1), 178-192, 2017
Group 5 ITI consensus report: digital technologies
D Wismeijer, T Joda, T Flügge, G Fokas, A Tahmaseb, D Bechelli, ...
Clinical oral implants research 29, 436-442, 2018
Digital undergraduate education in dentistry: a systematic review
NU Zitzmann, L Matthisson, H Ohla, T Joda
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (9), 3269, 2020
The virtual patient in dental medicine
T Joda, GO Gallucci
Clinical oral implants research 26 (6), 725-726, 2015
Time efficiency, difficulty, and operator's preference comparing digital and conventional implant impressions: a randomized controlled trial
T Joda, P Lenherr, P Dedem, I Kovaltschuk, U Bragger, NU Zitzmann
Clinical oral implants research 28 (10), 1318-1323, 2017
Systematic literature review of digital three-dimensional superimposition techniques to create virtual dental patients.
T Joda, U Braegger, G Gallucci
International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 30 (2), 2015
Time-efficiency analysis comparing digital and conventional workflows for implant crowns: A prospective clinical crossover trial.
T Joda, U Brägger
International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 30 (5), 2015
Complete digital workflow for the production of implant‐supported single‐unit monolithic crowns
T Joda, U Brägger
Clinical Oral Implants Research 25 (11), 1304-1306, 2014
Time‐efficiency analysis of the treatment with monolithic implant crowns in a digital workflow: A randomized controlled trial
T Joda, U Brägger
Clinical oral implants research 27 (11), 1401-1406, 2016
What is the optimal number of implants for fixed reconstructions: a systematic review
G Heydecke, M Zwahlen, A Nicol, D Nisand, M Payer, F Renouard, ...
Clinical oral implants research 23, 217-228, 2012
Virtual articulators and virtual mounting procedures: where do we stand?
L Lepidi, M Galli, F Mastrangelo, P Venezia, T Joda, HL Wang, J Li
Journal of Prosthodontics 30 (1), 24-35, 2021
Monolithic implant‐supported lithium disilicate (LS2) crowns in a complete digital workflow: A prospective clinical trial with a 2‐year follow‐up
T Joda, M Ferrari, U Brägger
Clinical implant dentistry and related research 19 (3), 505-511, 2017
Recent trends and future direction of dental research in the digital era
T Joda, MM Bornstein, RE Jung, M Ferrari, T Waltimo, NU Zitzmann
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (6), 1987, 2020
A systematic review of the clinical performance of tooth‐retained and implant‐retained double crown prostheses with a follow‐up of≥ 3 years
R Verma, T Joda, U Brägger, JG Wittneben
Journal of Prosthodontics: Implant, Esthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry 22 …, 2013
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