Sigurd Heiberg Espeland
Sigurd Heiberg Espeland
Head of Research/ Research Manager, Institute of Marine research
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Are low but statistically significant levels of genetic differentiation in marine fishes ‘biologically meaningful’? A case study of coastal Atlantic cod
H Knutsen, EM Olsen, PE Jorde, SH Espeland, C Andre, NC Stenseth
Molecular ecology 20 (4), 768-783, 2011
Lobster and cod benefit from small-scale northern marine protected areas: inference from an empirical before–after control-impact study
E Moland, EM Olsen, H Knutsen, P Garrigou, SH Espeland, AR Kleiven, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1754), 20122679, 2013
Egg distribution, bottom topography and small-scale cod population structure in a coastal marine system
H Knutsen, EM Olsen, L Ciannelli, SH Espeland, JA Knutsen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 333, 249-255, 2007
Spatial scale of genetic structuring in coastal cod Gadus morhua and geographic extent of local populations
PE Jorde, H Knutsen, SH Espeland, NC Stenseth
Marine Ecology Progress Series 343, 229-237, 2007
Small‐scale genetic structure in a marine population in relation to water circulation and egg characteristics
L Ciannelli, H Knutsen, EM Olsen, SH Espeland, L Asplin, A Jelmert, ...
Ecology 91 (10), 2918-2930, 2010
Home range and elevated egg densities within an inshore spawning ground of coastal cod
SH Espeland, AF Gundersen, EM Olsen, H Knutsen, J Gjøsæter, ...
ICES journal of marine science 64 (5), 920-928, 2007
Fishing pressure impacts the abundance gradient of European lobsters across the borders of a newly established marine protected area
PJ Nillos Kleiven, SH Espeland, EM Olsen, RA Abesamis, E Moland, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1894), 20182455, 2019
Harvest Pressure on Coastal Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) from Recreational Fishing Relative to Commercial Fishing Assessed from Tag-Recovery Data
AR Kleiven, A Fernandez-Chacon, JH Nordahl, E Moland, SH Espeland, ...
PLoS One 11 (3), e0149595, 2016
New perspectives on fish movement: kernel and GAM smoothers applied to a century of tagging data on coastal Atlantic cod
SH Espeland, EM Olsen, H Knutsen, J Gjøsæter, D Danielssen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 372, 231-241, 2008
Demographic effects of full vs. partial protection from harvesting: inference from an empirical before–after control‐impact study on A tlantic cod
A Fernández‐Chacón, E Moland, SH Espeland, EM Olsen
Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (5), 1206-1215, 2015
Sex- and size-selective harvesting of corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops)—a cleaner fish used in salmonid aquaculture
KT Halvorsen, TK Sørdalen, LA Vøllestad, AB Skiftesvik, SH Espeland, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (3), 660-669, 2017
Diel vertical migration patterns in juvenile cod from the Skagerrak coast
SH Espeland, AG Thoresen, EM Olsen, LC Stige, H Knutsen, J Gjøsæter, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 405, 29-37, 2010
Restoration of abundance and dynamics of coastal fish and lobster within northern marine protected areas across two decades
E Moland, A Fernández-Chacón, TK Sørdalen, D Villegas-Ríos, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 674756, 2021
Technological creep masks continued decline in a lobster (Homarus gammarus) fishery over a century
AR Kleiven, SH Espeland, S Stiansen, K Ono, F Zimmermann, EM Olsen
Scientific reports 12 (1), 3318, 2022
Kunnskapsstatus leppefisk: Utfordringer i et økende fiskeri
SH Espeland, KH Nedreaas, SH Mortensen, AB Skiftesvik, AL Agnalt, ...
Havforskningsinstituttet, 2010
Stabilizing selection on Atlantic cod supergenes through a millennium of extensive exploitation
M Sodeland, S Jentoft, PE Jorde, M Mattingsdal, J Albretsen, AR Kleiven, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (8), e2114904119, 2022
The Norwegian programme for mapping of marine habitats–providing knowledge and maps for ICZMP
T Bekkby, FE Moy, H Olsen, E Rinde, T Bodvin, R Bøe, H Steen, ...
Global challenges in integrated coastal zone management, 19-30, 2013
Lobster reserves as a management tool in coastal waters: Two decades of experience in Norway
JA Knutsen, AR Kleiven, EM Olsen, H Knutsen, SH Espeland, ...
Marine Policy 136, 104908, 2022
Can we rely on selected genetic markers for population identification? Evidence from coastal Atlantic cod
PE Jorde, AE Synnes, SH Espeland, M Sodeland, H Knutsen
Ecology and Evolution 8 (24), 12547-12558, 2018
Causes of mortality in depleted populations of Atlantic cod estimated from multi-event modelling of mark–recapture and recovery data
A Fernández-Chacón, E Moland, SH Espeland, AR Kleiven, EM Olsen
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (1), 116-126, 2017
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