Nikos C. Papapostolou
Nikos C. Papapostolou
Reader in Shipping Finance
在 city.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Investor Sentiment for Real Assets: The Case of Dry-Bulk Shipping Market
N Papapostolou, N Nomikos, P Pouliasis, I Kyriakou
Review of Finance 18 (4), 1507–1539, 2014
Estimating the probability of default for shipping high yield bond issues
CT Grammenos, NK Nomikos, NC Papapostolou
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 44 (6 …, 2008
Freight options: Price modelling and empirical analysis
NK Nomikos, I Kyriakou, NC Papapostolou, PK Pouliasis
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 51, 82-94, 2013
Shipping Investor Sentiment and International Stock Return Predictability
NC Papapostolou, PK Pouliasis, NK Nomikos, I Kyriakou
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 96, 81-94, 2016
Portfolio optimization and index tracking for the shipping stock and freight markets using evolutionary algorithms
K Andriosopoulos, M Doumpos, NC Papapostolou, PK Pouliasis
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 52, 16-34, 2013
Herd behavior in the drybulk market: an empirical analysis of the decision to invest in new and retire existing fleet capacity
NC Papapostolou, PK Pouliasis, I Kyriakou
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 104, 36-51, 2017
Factors affecting the dynamics of yield premia on shipping seasoned high yield bonds
CT Grammenos, AH Alizadeh, NC Papapostolou
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 43 (5 …, 2007
Risk management of climate impact for tourism operators: An empirical analysis on ski resorts
L Ballotta, G Fusai, I Kyriakou, NC Papapostolou, PK Pouliasis
Tourism Management 77, 104011, 2020
Income uncertainty and the decision to invest in bulk shipping
I Kyriakou, PK Pouliasis, NC Papapostolou, NK Nomikos
European Financial Management 24 (3), 387-417, 2018
US shipping initial public offerings: Do prospectus and market information matter?
CT Grammenos, NC Papapostolou
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 48 (1 …, 2012
Jumps and Stochastic Volatility in Crude Oil Prices and Advances in Average Option Pricing
NC Kyriakou I., Pouliasis P.K., Papapostolou
Quantitative Finance 16 (12), 1859-1873, 2016
Freight derivatives pricing for decoupled mean-reverting diffusion and jumps
I Kyriakou, PK Pouliasis, NC Papapostolou, K Andriosopoulos
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 108, 80-96, 2017
Affine-structure models and the pricing of energy commodity derivatives
I Kyriakou, NK Nomikos, PK Pouliasis, NC Papapostolou
European Financial Management 22 (5), 853-881, 2016
Ship finance: US public equity markets
CT Grammenos, NC Papapostolou
The Blackwell companion to maritime economics, 392-416, 2012
Shipping equity risk behavior and portfolio management
PK Pouliasis, NC Papapostolou, I Kyriakou, ID Visvikis
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 116, 178-200, 2018
Volatility and correlation timing: The role of commodities
PK Pouliasis, NC Papapostolou
Journal of Futures Markets 38 (11), 1407-1439, 2018
On equity risk prediction and tail spillovers
P Pouliasis, I Kyriakou, N Papapostolou
International Journal of Finance & Economics 22 (4), 379-393, 2017
The assessment of market efficiency in the shipping sector: a new approach
G Dikos, N Papapostolou
Maritime Policy & Management 29 (2), 179-181, 2002
A novel risk management framework for natural gas markets
PK Pouliasis, ID Visvikis, NC Papapostolou, AA Kryukov
Journal of Futures Markets 40 (3), 430-459, 2020
Ship Finance: US High Yield Bond Market
CT Grammenos, NC Papapostolou
The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics, 417-432, 2012
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