Ávila Filho, S.
Ávila Filho, S.
Professor of Production Engineering, Federal University o Bahia
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A new model for assessing industrial worker behavior regarding energy saving considering the theory of planned behavior, norm activation model and human reliability
JRN Lopes, R de Araújo Kalid, JLM Rodríguez, S Ávila Filho
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 145, 268-278, 2019
Assessment of energy and exergy efficiencies in steam generators
JAM da Silva, S Ávila Filho, M Carvalho
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 39 …, 2017
Modeling the socioeconomic metabolism of end-of-life tires using structural equations: A Brazilian case study
ES Bittencourt, CHO Fontes, JLM Rodriguez, SÁ Filho, AMS Ferreira
Sustainability 12 (5), 2106, 2020
Analysis of operational communication through structural equation modeling
E Drigo, JLM Rodríguez, M Embirucu, S Avila Filho
IEEE Access 8, 121705-121723, 2020
Purificação da glicerina bruta vegetal
S Ávila Filho, AS Machado, EP SANTOS
I Congresso da rede Brasileira de Tecnologia do Biodiesel. Disponível em …, 2007
Development of a neuro-fuzzy system for assessing information management on the shop floor
EDS Drigo, JLM Rodríguez, M Embiruçu, S Ávila Filho
IEEE Access 8, 207063-207075, 2020
Forecasting of the unknown end-of-life tire flow for control and decision making in urban solid waste management: A case study
ES Bittencourt, CHO Fontes, JL Moya Rodriguez, SÁ Filho, AMS Ferreira
Waste Management & Research 38 (2), 193-201, 2020
Influence of local archetypes on the operability & usability of instruments in control rooms
FS Ávila, MLA Menezes
Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Conference–ESREL, Zurich, 2015
Operator discourse analysis as a tool for risk management
ES Drigo, S Ávila Filho, CAO Sousa
Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Conference–ESREL, Zurich, 2015
Organizational communication: discussion of pyramid model application in shift records
E dos Santso Drigo, SÁ Filho
Advances in Human Factors, Business Management, Training and Education …, 2017
Etiologia das Anormalidades Operacionais na Indústria. 2010. 298p
Thesys (Chemical Engineer Doctorate at Chemical Post-Graduation Program …, 2010
Blame culture in workplace accidents investigation: Current model discussion and shift requirements for a collaborative model
C Fragoso, SÁ Filho, R Sousa, C Massolino, R Pimentel, I Cerqueira
Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors: Proceedings of the AHFE …, 2018
Analysis of organizational and human factors in the local production arrangement of the hotel chain to avoid social and environmental impacts, case study of Maragogi, Alagoas …
E Menezes, S Filho, E Drigo
Advances in Social & Occupational Ergonomics: Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 …, 2017
Assessment of complexity in the task to define safeguards against dynamic risks
S Ávila Filho, CR Sousa, AC Carvalho
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 1772-1779, 2015
Risks in the platform: social and human guidelines avoid accidents and alter standards in oil production
S Ávila Filho
Revista Proteção, 2013
Etiologia das Anormalidades Operacionais na Indústria: Um modelo para Aprendizagem
S Ávila Filho
UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 2010
Decision making in health management during crisis: a case study based on epidemiological curves of China and Italy against COVID-19
SÁ Filho, JS Ávila, B Mrugalska, NF de Souza, APM Gomes de Carvalho, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (15), 8078, 2021
Ergonomic Study to Compare Digital Human Modeling Simulation Versus Real Life and Momentum
C Massolino, SÁ Filho, I Cerqueira, R Pimentel, N Neto, C Fragoso
Advances in Human Factors in Simulation and Modeling: Proceedings of the …, 2018
Learning environment to take operational decision in emergency situation
S Ávila Filho, ACF Carvalho, GPJ Portela, C Costa
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 1780-1787, 2015
Communicative skills and the training of the collaborative operator
E dos Santos Drigo, SÁ Filho, M Embiruçu
Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership: Proceedings …, 2018
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