meric aziz berge
meric aziz berge
在 deu.edu.tr 的电子邮件经过验证
Application of electrical resistivity tomography technique for investigation of landslides: a case from Turkey
MG Drahor, G Göktürkler, MA Berge, TÖ Kurtulmuş
Environmental Geology 50, 147-155, 2006
Geophysical investigations of the Seferihisar geothermal area, Western Anatolia, Turkey
MG Drahor, MA Berge
Geothermics 35 (3), 302-320, 2006
Electrical resistivity tomography investigations of multilayered archaeological settlements: part I–modelling
MA Berge, MG Drahor
Archaeological Prospection 18 (3), 159-171, 2011
Magnetic and electrical resistivity tomography investigations in a Roman legionary camp site (Legio IV Scythica) in Zeugma, Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey
MG Drahor, MA Berge, TÖ Kurtulmuş, M Hartmann, MA Speidel
Archaeological Prospection 15 (3), 159-186, 2008
Magnetic imaging and electrical resistivity tomography studies in a Roman military installation found in Satala archaeological site, northeastern Anatolia, Turkey
MG Drahor, TÖ Kurtulmuş, MA Berge, M Hartmann, MA Speidel
Journal of Archaeological science 35 (2), 259-271, 2008
Integrated geophysical surveys for the subsurface mapping of buried structures under and surrounding of the Agios Voukolos Church in Izmir, Turkey
MG Drahor, MA Berge, C Öztürk
Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (9), 2231-2242, 2011
Integrated geophysical investigations in a fault zone located on southwestern part of İzmir city, Western Anatolia, Turkey
MG Drahor, MA Berge
Journal of Applied Geophysics 136, 114-133, 2017
Electrical resistivity tomography investigations on a paleoseismological trenching study
MA Berge
Journal of Applied Geophysics 109, 162-174, 2014
3D resistivity imaging from an archaeological site in south‐western Anatolia, Turkey: a case study
MG Drahor, G Göktürkler, MA Berge, TÖ Kurtulmuş, N Tuna
Near Surface Geophysics 5 (3), 195-201, 2007
Mapping aquifer geometry using electrical resistivity tomography: a case study from Şanlıurfa, south‐eastern Turkey
MG Drahor, MA Berge, G Göktürkler, TÖ Kurtulmuş
Near Surface Geophysics 9 (1), 55-66, 2011
Dört farklı elektrot dizilimine göre bazı üç-boyutlu sığ yer altı yapılarının görünür özdirenç modellemesi
MG Drahor, G Göktürkler, MA Berge, TÖ Kurtulmuş
Yerbilimleri 25 (30), 115-128, 2004
Integrated geophysical investigations at a sacred Hittite Area in Central Anatolia, Turkey
MG Drahor, MA Berge, C Öztürk, B Ortan
Near Surface Geophysics 13 (6), 523-543, 2015
Integrated usage of geophysical prospection techniques in Höyük (tepe, tell)-type archaeological settlements
MG Drahor, MA Berge, C Öztürk, N Alpaslan, G Ergene
ArcheoSciences. Revue d'archéométrie, 291-293, 2009
Sığ aramacılıkta sonlu farklar yöntemi ile iki-boyutlu düz çözüm özdirenç modellemesi
MA Berge
Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölümü …, 2002
İki-boyutlu özdirenç ters çözüm modellemesi
MA Berge
PQDT-Global, 2005
Geoarchaeological and archaeoseismological observations in Ḫattuša: first evidence of earthquake traces from the Hittite Capital
Ö Sümer, MG Drahor, MA Berge, A Ongar, A Schachner
Archäologischer Anzeiger 1, 90-96, 2019
Bazı sığ yeraltı yapılarının özdirenç ters-çözümü
MG Drahor, G Göktürkler, MA Berge, TÖ Kurtulmuş
Yerbilimleri 26 (2), 1-14, 2005
An example of electrical resistivity tomography monitoring in geothermal sites: Balçova-Izmir case study
G Drahor, MA Mahmut, Ö Bakak, C Öztürk
Geoelectric Monitoring, 31, 2011
Resistivity inversion method in archaeological prospection and its importance
MG Drahor, G Göktürkler, MA Berge, O Kurtulmus
Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection …, 2005
Elektrik özdirenç ters-çözümüyle çok katmanlı arkeolojik yerleşmelerin görüntülendirilmesi
MA Berge
PQDT-Global, 2011
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