Michael Joseph Caruso
Michael Joseph Caruso
Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Pennsylvania
在 PennMedicine.upenn.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Sex, social status and physiological stress in primates: the importance of social and glucocorticoid dynamics
SA Cavigelli, MJ Caruso
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Chronic unpredictable stress during adolescence causes long-term anxiety
VA Chaby, L.E., Cavigelli, S.A., Hirrlinger, A. M., Caruso, M. J., Braithwaite
Behavioural Brain Research 278, 492-495, 2015
Stress-induced enhancement of fear conditioning and sensitization facilitates extinction-resistant and habituation-resistant fear behaviors in a novel animal model of …
MJ Corley, MJ Caruso, LK Takahashi
Physiology & Behavior 105 (2), 408-416, 2012
Adolescent social stress increases anxiety-like behavior and ethanol consumption in adult male and female C57BL/6J mice
MJ Caruso, LR Seemiller, TB Fetherston, CN Miller, DE Reiss, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 10040, 2018
Timing matters: the interval between acute stressors within chronic mild stress modifies behavioral and physiologic stress responses in male rats
SA Cavigelli, AD Bao, RA Bourne, MJ Caruso, JI Caulfield, M Chen, ...
Stress 21 (5), 453-463, 2018
Adolescent social stress increases anxiety-like behavior and alters synaptic transmission, without influencing nicotine responses, in a sex-dependent manner
MJ Caruso, A Crowley, Nicole, DE Reiss, JI Caulfield, B Luscher, ...
Neuroscience 373, 182-198, 2018
Exposure to chronic variable social stress during adolescence alters affect‐related behaviors and adrenocortical activity in adult male and female inbred mice
MJ Caruso, HM Kamens, SA Cavigelli
Developmental psychobiology 59 (6), 679-687, 2017
Temperament moderates the influence of periadolescent social experience on behavior and adrenocortical activity in adult male rats
SA Caruso, M.J., McClintock, M.K., & Cavigelli
Hormones and Behavior 66 (3), 517-524, 2014
Adolescent chronic variable social stress influences exploratory behavior and nicotine responses in male, but not female, BALB/cJ mice
MJ Caruso, DE Reiss, JI Caulfield, JL Thomas, AN Baker, SA Cavigelli, ...
Brain Research Bulletin, 2017
Peri-adolescent asthma symptoms cause adult anxiety-related behavior and neurobiological processes in mice
SAC Jasmine I. Caulfield, Michael J. Caruso, Kerry C. Michael, Rebecca A ...
Behavioural Brain Research 326, 244-255, 2017
The influence of adolescent nicotine exposure on ethanol intake and brain gene expression
CP Silva, WJ Horton, MJ Caruso, A Sebastian, LC Klein, I Albert, ...
Plos one 13 (6), e0198935, 2018
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