Anders Romundset
Anders Romundset
Researcher at Geological Survey of Norway - NGU
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Postglacial uplift and relative sea level changes in Finnmark, northern Norway
A Romundset, S Bondevik, O Bennike
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (19-20), 2398-2421, 2011
Propagation of the Storegga tsunami into ice‐free lakes along the southern shores of the Barents Sea
A Romundset, S Bondevik
Journal of Quaternary Science 26 (5), 457-462, 2011
The first Holocene relative sea‐level curve from the middle part of Hardangerfjorden, western Norway
A Romundset, ØS Lohne, J Mangerud, JI Svendsen
Boreas 39 (1), 87-104, 2010
A Holocene sea‐level curve and revised isobase map based on isolation basins from near the southern tip of N orway
A Romundset, O Fredin, F Høgaas
Boreas 44 (2), 383-400, 2015
Ancient and modern stickleback genomes reveal the demographic constraints on adaptation
M Kirch, A Romundset, MTP Gilbert, FC Jones, AD Foote
Current Biology 31 (9), 2027-2036. e8, 2021
Quantifying variable rates of postglacial relative sea level fall from a cluster of 24 isolation basins in southern Norway
A Romundset, TR Lakeman, F Høgaas
Quaternary Science Reviews 197, 175-192, 2018
Lateglacial retreat chronology of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in Finnmark, northern Norway, reconstructed from surface exposure dating of major end moraines
A Romundset, N Akçar, O Fredin, D Tikhomirov, R Reber, C Vockenhuber, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 177, 130-144, 2017
Enculturating Coastal Environments in the Middle Mesolithic (8300–6300 cal BCE)–Site Variability, Human–Environment Relations, and Mobility Patterns in Northern Vestfold, SE-Norway
IM Berg-Hansen, S Hårstad, TJ Granados, G Reitan, A Romundset, ...
Open Archaeology 8 (1), 634-669, 2022
Coastal lake records add constraints to the age and magnitude of the Younger Dryas ice‐front oscillation along the Skagerrak coastline in southern Norway
A Romundset, TR Lakeman, F Høgaas
Journal of Quaternary Science 34 (2), 112-124, 2019
Postglacial shoreline displacement in the Tvedestrand–Arendal area
A Romundset
The stone age coastal settlement in Aust-Agder, southeast Norway …, 2018
Resultater fra NGUs undersøkelse av etteristidas strandforskyvning nord i Vestfold. Arbeid utført 2018–2020 i forbindelse med arkeologiske undersøkelser ved Skoppum og bygging …
A Romundset
Unpublished report). NGU–Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, 2021
Kystens steinalder i Aust-Agder: Arkeologiske undersøkelser i forbindelse med ny E18 Tvedestrand-Arendal
G Reitan, L Sundström, S Viken, K Darmark, LS Johannessen, JSF Stokke, ...
Cappelen Damm Forskning, 2019
Resultater fra NGUs undersøkelse av etteristidas strandforskyvning nord i Vestfold
A Romundset
Arbeid utført 2018-2020 i forbindelse med arkeologiske undersøkelser ved …, 2021
Relative sea level, deglaciation and tsunami history deduced from isolation basins
A Romundset
Universitetet i Tromsø, 2010
Strandforskyving og isavsmelting i midtre Hardanger
A Romundset
The University of Bergen, 2005
Shoreline displacement at Ørland since 6000 cal. yr BP
A Romundset, TR Lakeman
Environment and Settlement: Ørland 600 BC–AD 1250, 51, 2019
Early Holocene thinning and final demise of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet across the main drainage divide of southern Norway
A Romundset, N Akçar, O Fredin, JL Andersen, F Høgaas, M Christl, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 317, 108274, 2023
Timing and maximum flood level of the Early Holocene glacial lake Nedre Glomsjø outburst flood, Norway
F Høgaas, L Hansen, I Berthling, M Klug, O Longva, HD Nannestad, ...
Boreas 52 (3), 295-313, 2023
Two thousand years of Landscape—Human interactions at a coastal peninsula in Norway revealed through pollen analysis, shoreline reconstruction, and radiocarbon dates from …
KL Hjelle, A Overland, MM Gran, A Romundset, I Ystgaard
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 911780, 2022
Landforms and sediments in Bjørndalen-Vestpynten, Svalbard. Quaternary geological map 1: 10 000
L Rubensdotter, HH Christiansen, WR Farnsworth, A Romundset
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