A machine learning approach for traffic-noise annoyance assessment L Bravo-Moncayo, J Lucio-Naranjo, M Chávez, I Pavón-García, C Garzón Applied Acoustics 156, 262-270, 2019 | 45 | 2019 |
The effects of noise control in coffee tasting experiences L Bravo-Moncayo, F Reinoso-Carvalho, C Velasco Food Quality and Preference 86, 104020, 2020 | 39 | 2020 |
A cost-effective approach to the evaluation of traffic noise exposure in the city of Quito, Ecuador L Bravo-Moncayo, M Chávez, V Puyana, J Lucio-Naranjo, C Garzón, ... Case Studies on Transport Policy 7 (1), 128-137, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
Neural based contingent valuation of road traffic noise L Bravo-Moncayo, JL Naranjo, IP García, R Mosquera Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 50, 26-39, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
The path towards herd immunity: Predicting COVID-19 vaccination uptake through results from a stated choice study across six continents S Hess, E Lancsar, P Mariel, J Meyerhoff, F Song, ... Social science & medicine 298, 114800, 2022 | 21 | 2022 |
Contingent valuation of road traffic noise: A case study in the urban area of Quito, Ecuador L Bravo-Moncayo, I Pavón-García, J Lucio-Naranjo, R Mosquera Case studies on transport policy 5 (4), 722-730, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
The use of green materials for the acoustic correction of rooms G Iannace, L Bravo-Moncayo, G Ciaburro, V Puyana-Romero, ... INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 259 (7), 2589-2597, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Traffic noise and property values: an instrumental variable strategy for hedonic valuation L Bravo-Moncayo, R Mosquera, V Puyana-Romero, M Romero, ... Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 66 (12), 2556-2575, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
Community response to noise from hot-spots at a major road in Quito (Ecuador) and its application for identification and ranking these areas V Puyana-Romero, JL Cueto, G Ciaburro, L Bravo-Moncayo, ... International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (3), 1115, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Impulse response simulation of a small room and in situ measurements validation D Núñez-Solano, V Puyana-Romero, C Ordóñez-Andrade, ... Audio Engineering Society Convention 147, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Valoración económica contingente del ruido de tráfico rodado mediante redes neuronales artificiales L Bravo Moncayo Industriales, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Relación entre la exposición al ruido ambiental y la molestia que ocasiona en aulas de educación media en Quito, Ecuador P Ávila, LB Moncayo SONAC 5 (1), 6-11, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
A deep learning approach for the generation of room impulse responses DA Sanaguano-Moreno, JF Lucio-Naranjo, RA Tenenbaum, ... 2022 Third International Conference on Information Systems and Software …, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
On the relationships between auditory and visual factors in a residential environment context: A SEM approach L Garzón, L Bravo-Moncayo, J Arellana, JD Ortuzar Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1080149, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Uso de redes neuronales artificiales en la valoración económica de ruido de tráfico LA Bravo-Moncayo, J Lucio-Naranjo, I Pavón García Industriales, 2016 | | 2016 |
Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa de servicios de ingeniería acústica en la Ciudad de Quito en el año 2009 LA Bravo Moncayo, MD Sola Narváez Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2009, 2009 | | 2009 |
Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería Escuela de Ingeniería Acústica LAB Moncayo Universidad Austral de Chile, 2002 | | 2002 |
2022 Third International Conference on Information Systems and Software Technologies (ICI2ST)| 978-1-6654-5517-6/22/$31.00© 2022 IEEE| DOI: 10.1109/ICI2ST57350. 2022.00034 P Acosta-Vargas, D Agudo, J Aguilar, S Allauca, L Almeida, ... | | |