Fransje Van Oorschot
Fransje Van Oorschot
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Climate-controlled root zone parameters show potential to improve water flux simulations by land surface models
F van Oorschot, RJ van der Ent, M Hrachowitz, A Alessandri
Earth System Dynamics 12 (2), 725-743, 2021
Influence of irrigation on root zone storage capacity estimation
F van Oorschot, RJ van der Ent, A Alessandri, M Hrachowitz
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 28 (10), 2313-2328, 2024
Global patterns in vegetation accessible subsurface water storage emerge from spatially varying importance of individual drivers
F van Oorschot, M Hrachowitz, T Viering, A Alessandri, RJ van der Ent
Environmental Research Letters 19 (12), 124018, 2024
Interannual land cover and vegetation variability based on remote sensing data in the HTESSEL land surface model: implementation and effects on simulated water dynamics
F van Oorschot, RJ van der Ent, M Hrachowitz, E Di Carlo, F Catalano, ...
Earth System Dynamics 14 (6), 1239-1259, 2023
Improving the temporal and spatial vegetation variability in land surface models based on satellite observations
F van Oorschot, R van der Ent, M Hrachowitz, E di Carlo, F Catalano, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-6528, 2023
The hydrologically active rootzone in climate models
F van Oorschot
To the root of vegetation-water interactions: Improving spatiotemporal variations in global models
F van Oorschot
The influence of irrigation on root zone storage capacity
R van der Ent, F van Oorschot, A Alessandri, M Hrachowitz
EGU24, 2024
How catchment ecosystems globally manage root water access under different (climate) conditions
F van Oorschot, R van der Ent, T Viering, A Alessandri, M Hrachowitz
EGU24, 2024
Effects of the Realistic Representation of Vegetation Variability on Climate Predictions at Seasonal and Decadal Time Scales.
A Alessandri, E Di Carlo, F van Oorschot, F Catalano, A Cherchi, ...
104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
Influence of irrigation on root zone storage capacity estimation
F van Oorschot, RJ van der Ent, A Alessandri, M Hrachowitz
EGUsphere 2023, 1-27, 2023
Representing inter-annual land cover and vegetation variability based on satellite observations in the HTESSEL land surface model
F van Oorschot, RJ van der Ent, M Hrachowitz, E Di Carlo, F Catalano, ...
EGUsphere 2023, 1-37, 2023
Effects of the realistic vegetation cover on predictions at seasonal and decadal time scales
E Di Carlo, A Alessandri, F van Oorschot, A Cherchi, S Corti, G Balsamo, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-12428, 2023
Global patterns of climate controlled root zone storage capacity based on a large sample of catchments
R van der Ent, F van Oorschot, M Hrachowitz, A Alessandri
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-2786, 2022
Improving the parameterization of vegetation cover variability in land surface models based on satellite observations
F van Oorschot, R van der Ent, M Hrachowitz, F Catalano, S Boussetta, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-473, 2022
The effect of vegetation adaptation on hydrological extremes in a changing environment and our (in) ability to predict it.
M Hrachowitz, L Bouaziz, R van der Ent, F van Oorschot
EGU22, 2022
A study on implementing catchment-scale rootzone water storage capacities, derived from climatic parameters, in the HTESSEL land surface scheme
F van Oorschot, A Alessandri, R van der Ent, M Hrachowitz
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9530, 2020
Project Bangla, safe water for Bangladesh
I Benito Lazaro, F van Oorschot, R Sobhan, B Veenings, T Wegman
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