Cheng-Zen Yang
Cheng-Zen Yang
在 saturn.yzu.edu.tw 的电子邮件经过验证
Choices for interaction with things on Internet and underlying issues
I Mashal, O Alsaryrah, TY Chung, CZ Yang, WH Kuo, DP Agrawal
Ad Hoc Networks 28, 68-90, 2015
An Empirical Study on Improving Severity Prediction of Defect Reports Using Feature Selection
CZ Yang, CC Hou, WC Kao, X Chen
2012 19th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2012) 1, 240-249, 2012
Enhancements for duplication detection in bug reports with manifold correlation features
MJ Lin, CZ Yang, CY Lee, CC Chen
Journal of Systems and Software 121, 223-233, 2016
P2P live-streaming application-aware architecture for QoS enhancement in the EPON
AT Liem, IS Hwang, AA Nikoukar, CZ Yang, MS Ab-Rahman, CH Lu
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (1), 648-658, 2018
Duplication detection for software bug reports based on BM25 term weighting
CZ Yang, HH Du, SS Wu, X Chen
2012 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence …, 2012
PATS: A parallel GUI testing framework for Android applications
HL Wen, CH Lin, TH Hsieh, CZ Yang
Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2015 IEEE 39th …, 2015
Implicit social network model for predicting and tracking the location of faults
X Chen, CZ Yang, TK Lu, H Jaygarl
2008 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications …, 2008
Improving severity prediction on software bug reports using quality indicators
CZ Yang, KY Chen, WC Kao, CC Yang
2014 IEEE 5th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service …, 2014
Visualization of social networks
IX Chen, CZ Yang
Handbook of social network technologies and applications, 585-610, 2010
LACTA: An enhanced automatic software categorization on the native code of Android applications
CZ Yang, MH Tu
Proceedings of the international multiconference of engineers and computer …, 2012
A token-based h-out of-k distributed mutual exclusion algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks
CZ Yang
ITRE 2005. 3rd International Conference on Information Technology: Research …, 2005
Cross-lingual news group recommendation using cluster-based cross-training
CZ Yang, X Chen, PJ Wu
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language …, 2008
Towards an Improvement of Bug Report Summarization Using Two-Layer Semantic Information
CZ Yang, CM Ao, YH Chung
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 101 (7), 1743-1750, 2018
Mining Temporal Information to Improve Duplication Detection on Bug Reports
CY Lee, DD Hu, ZY Feng, CZ Yang
2015 IIAI 4th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, 551-555, 2015
RDF/XTM ontology construction based on a topic maps-driven framework
CZ Yang, X Chen, CH Chou, MC Yang
International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, 523-526, 2006
Information retrieval on bug locations by learning co-located bug report clusters
IX Chen, H Jaygarl, CZ Yang, PJ Wu
Proceedings of the 31st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2008
Design and Implementation of a Mobile SSH Protocol
IH Huang, WJ Tzeng, SW Wang, CZ Yang
TENCON 2006. 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-4, 2006
On hierarchical web catalog integration with conceptual relationships in thesaurus
IX Chen, JC Ho, CZ Yang
Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2006
An Improved Discriminative Model for Duplication Detection on Bug Reports with Cluster Weighting
MJ Lin, CZ Yang
2014 IEEE 38th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 117-122, 2014
Design of an intelligent memory reclamation service on Android
CZ Yang, BS Chi
2013 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence …, 2013
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