Bertrand Jayles
Bertrand Jayles
EDHEC Infrastructure & Private Assets Research Institute
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How social information can improve estimation accuracy in human groups
B Jayles, H Kim, R Escobedo, S Cezera, A Blanchet, T Kameda, C Sire, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (47), 12620-12625, 2017
Strategies for integrating disparate social information
L Molleman, AN Tump, A Gradassi, S Herzog, B Jayles, RHJM Kurvers, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Sociaty B 287 (1939), 20202413, 2020
The impact of incorrect social information on collective wisdom in human groups
B Jayles, R Escobedo, S Cezera, A Blanchet, T Kameda, C Sire, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17 (170), 20200496, 2020
Collective information processing in human phase separation
B Jayles, R Escobedo, R Pasqua, C Zanon, A Blanchet, M Roy, G Trédan, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1807), 20190801, 2020
Strategic disinformation outperforms honesty in competition for social influence
RHJM Kurvers, U Hertz, J Karpus, MP Balode, B Jayles, K Binmore, ...
Iscience 24 (12), 2021
Impact of sharing full versus averaged social information on social influence and estimation accuracy
B Jayles, C Sire, RHJM Kurvers
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (180), 20210231, 2021
Interactions between communities improve the resilience of multicultural societies
B Jayles, SA Cheong, HJ Herrmann
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 607, 128164, 2022
Crowd control: Reducing individual estimation bias by sharing biased social information
B Jayles, C Sire, RHJM Kurvers
PLoS Computational Biology 17 (11), e1009590, 2021
Modeling the resilience of social networks to lockdowns regarding the dynamics of meetings
B Jayles, SA Cheong, HJ Herrmann
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 602, 127618, 2022
Computing extreme climate value for infrastructure investments
B Jayles, J Shen
EDHEC Infra & Private Assets Research Publications, 2024
Highway to Hell: Climate Risks will cost hundreds of billions to investors in infrastructure before 2050
N Amenc, F Blanc-Brude, A Gupta, B Jayles, J Orminski, D Marcelo
EDHEC Infra & Private Assets Research Publications, 2023
It's getting physical: Some investors in infrastructure could lose more than half of their portfolio to physical climate risks by 2050
N Amenc, F Blanc-Brude, Q Goh, A Gupta, B Jayles, L Lum, ...
EDHEC Infra & Private Assets Research Publications, 2023
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