Riaz Basha Shaik
Riaz Basha Shaik
Mount Sinai
在 mssm.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Substance use initiation, particularly alcohol, in drug-naive adolescents: Possible predictors and consequences from a large cohort naturalistic study
I Ivanov, MA Parvaz, E Velthorst, RB Shaik, S Sandin, G Gan, P Spechler, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 60 (5), 623-636, 2021
Construct validity for computational linguistic metrics in individuals at clinical risk for psychosis: associations with clinical ratings
ZR Bilgrami, C Sarac, A Srivastava, SN Herrera, M Azis, SS Haas, ...
Schizophrenia research 245, 90-96, 2022
Linking language features to clinical symptoms and multimodal imaging in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis
SS Haas, GE Doucet, S Garg, SN Herrera, C Sarac, ZR Bilgrami, ...
European Psychiatry 63 (1), e72, 2020
Self-stigma related feelings of shame and facial fear recognition in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: A brief report.
CCM Larsen EM, Herrera S, Bilgrami ZR, Shaik RB, Crump F, Sarac C, Shen J ...
Schizophrenia Research, 2019
A qualitative study on identity in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis:“… Why does it have to be one thing?”.
C Sarac, JS DeLuca, ZR Bilgrami, SN Herrera, JJ Myers, MF Dobbs, ...
Psychiatric rehabilitation journal 45 (1), 44, 2022
A scoping review of EEG markers for tracking neurophysiological changes and predicting outcomes in substance use disorder treatment
TS Bel-Bahar, AA Khan, RB Shaik, MA Parvaz
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 706, 2022
A case report and first-person account of an individual at risk for psychosis who improved during the COVID-19 pandemic
SN Herrera, C Sarac, ZR Bilgrami, MF Dobbs, R Jespersen, SS Haas, ...
Psychosis 14 (2), 190-199, 2022
Social Isolation-Mediated Exacerbation of Negative Affect in Young Drinkers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
GK Neppala, I Terkuhle, A Wagner, L Lepow, RB Shaik, R Freed, D Kimhy, ...
Brain Sciences 12 (2), 214, 2022
T35. Speed of face processing predicts psychosis in at-risk youths
Z Bilgrami, C Benavides, C Sarac, R Shaik, J Keilp, R Gur, D Javitt, ...
Schizophrenia Bulletin 45 (Suppl 2), S216, 2019
Independent and Interactive Impacts of Prenatal Exposure to Legal Substances and Childhood Trauma on Emotion Processing in Pre-adolescents: Preliminary Findings From the ABCD Study
L Lepow, A Wagner, S Peri, F Adams, SA Ramakrishnan, MA Alam, ...
JAACAP Open, 2024
Effectiveness of Emotion-Regulation Interventions on Substance Misuse and Emotion Regulation Outcomes in Individuals with Substance Dependence: A Systematic Review and Meta …
S Peri, GK Neppala, RB Shaik, MA Parvaz
Current Addiction Reports, 1-32, 2024
Effects of Stimulant Treatment on Changes in Brain Activation During Reward Notifications in Drug Naïve Youth With ADHD
I Ivanov, B Krone, K Schulz, RB Shaik, MA Parvaz, JH Newcorn
Journal of Attention Disorders 28 (5), 847-860, 2024
Impaired Arbitration Between Reward-Related Decision-Making Strategies in Alcohol Users: A Computational Modeling Study
S Ramakrishnan, R Shaik, T Kanagamani, I Ivanov, S Chakravarthy, ...
Distinct Subgroups Within Adolescents With Family History of Drug Use: Insights From the ABCD Study Using K-Means Clustering
SA Ramakrishnan, RB Shaik, SS Haas, S Frangou, I Ivanov, MA Parvaz
AACAP's 70th Annual Meeting, 2023
P519. Increased Frontal and Parietal Resting-State Lower Alpha Power as a Potential Marker of a Compensatory Mechanism Against Negative Symptoms in Clinical High-Risk …
R Shaik, T Bel-Bahar, S Herrera, Z Bilgrami, C Sarac, A Srivastava, ...
Biological Psychiatry 91 (9), S298-S299, 2022
P469. Guanfacine Augmentation of Attentional Functioning in the Schizophrenia Spectrum
M McNamara-McClure, MM Perez-Rodriguez, M Parvaz, R Shaik, ...
Biological Psychiatry 91 (9), S278-S279, 2022
Estimating Self-Disturbance in Psychosis and Its Risk States Using Natural Language Processing Analysis of Open-Ended Interviews
A Srivastava, A Abrami, Z Bilgrami, C Sarac, A Lu, A McGowan, S Herrara, ...
Biological Psychiatry 91 (9), S280-S280, 2022
Auditory Mismatch Negativity in Clinical High Risk for Psychosis and Schizophrenia, and Association With Symptoms and Cognition
R Shaik, MA Parvaz, Z Bilgrami, C Sarac, S Herrera, S Haas, A Srivastava, ...
Biological Psychiatry 89 (9), S162-S163, 2021
Longitudinal Assessments of Incubation of Cue-Induced Drug Craving in Cocaine-Addicted Individuals
M Parvaz, P Malaker, R Shaik, A Wagner, R Rabin, N Alia-Klein, ...
Neural correlates of thought disorder and attenuated hallucinatory symptoms in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis
S Haas, Z Bilgrami, C Sarac, S Herrera, R Shaik, S Frangou, C Corcoran
Biological Psychiatry 87 (9), S203, 2020
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