Syafruddin Syarif
Syafruddin Syarif
universitas hasanuddin
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Use of technology for monitoring the development of nutritional status 1000 hpk in stunting prevention in Indonesia
AN Usman, S Syarif, V Hadju, S As’ad, YS Baso
Gaceta sanitaria 35, S231-S234, 2021
Ensemble GradientBoost for increasing classification accuracy of credit scoring
A Lawi, F Aziz, S Syarif
2017 4th international conference on computer applications and information …, 2017
The effects of anemia education using web-based she smart to improve knowledge, attitudes, and practice in adolescent girls
E Ernawati, YS Baso, H Hidayanty, S Syarif, A Aminuddin, B Bahar
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 5 (1), 44-49, 2022
Car detection in roadside parking for smart parking system based on image processing
DK Manase, Z Zainuddin, S Syarif, AK Jaya
2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2020
Breast milk volume using portable double pump microcontroller Arduino Nano
NA Arsyad, S Syarif, M Ahmad, S As’ad
Enfermeria clinica 30, 555-558, 2020
Effect of Web-based She Smart Education Models on Adolescent Girl's Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice About Obesity
A Herliah, YS Baso, H Hidayanty, S Syarif, A Aminuddin, B Bahar
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 5 (1), 50-55, 2022
Providing education chronic energy deficiency (CED) uses web-based she smart to improve knowledge, attitudes, and practice in adolescent girls
A Ananda, YS Baso, H Hidayanty, S Syarif, A Aminuddin, B Bahar
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 5 (1), 56-62, 2022
Nutrition education with android-based application media to increase knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of pregnant women about chronic energy deficiency (KEK)
WOSW Lestari, S Syarif, H Hidayanty, A Aminuddin, S Ramadany
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 4 (1), 15-22, 2021
Learning media applications for toddler midwifery care about android-based fine motor development in improving midwifery students skills
AR Mustafa, S Ramadany, Y Sanusi, S Made, S Stang, S Syarif
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 3 (1), 130-135, 2020
Trending topic prediction by optimizing K-nearest neighbor algorithm
S Syarif
2017 4th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information …, 2017
Enhance midwifery student skills about active management third stage labor via learning media
AR Hasyim, S Syarif, M Ahmad, M Niswar, AM Nasrudin
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S284-S287, 2021
Aplikasi Bantu Buta Warna Berbasis Android
Z Husain, S Syarif, AL Arda, A Aman
JIKO (Jurnal Informatika Dan Komputer) 3 (1), 24-30, 2020
Web-based learning media the skills of suturing rupture perineum of midwifery students
S Syarif, M Ahmad, Y Sanusi
Gaceta sanitaria 35, S248-S250, 2021
Artificial neural network backpropagation with particle swarm optimization for crude palm oil price prediction
N Salman, A Lawi, S Syarif
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1114 (1), 012088, 2018
LEO antenna ground station analysis using fast fourier transform
A Hidayat, STA Munawar, S Syarif, A Achmad
2017 7th International Annual Engineering Seminar (InAES), 1-5, 2017
The Effect of HIV/AIDS Education Prevention Using Web-Based She Smart on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice in Adolescent Girls
KD Muslimin, YS Baso, H Hidayanty, S Syarif, A Aminuddin, B Bahar
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 5 (1), 31-36, 2022
Learning media based on augmented reality (AR) increased the skill of physical examination of the integumentary system of pregnant women in midwifery students
M Ahmad, S Syarif, I Idris
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S302-S305, 2021
Tracking of vehicle tax violations using vehicle type and plate number identification
A Jaya, Z Zainuddin, S Syarif
1st International Conference on Science and Technology, ICOST 2019, 2-3 May …, 2019
Sistem Cerdas Deteksi Citra Dengan Metode Discrete Cosine Transform
S Syarif, N Harun, M Tola, MW Tjaronge, ZB Hasanuddin, Z Jamid, ...
Prosiding 2 (0), 12, 2012
Media edukasi tanda bahaya kehamilan berbasis android untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil
WN Sayekti, S Syarif, M Ahmad, E Nurkhayati, S Suciati
Oksitosin: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan 7 (2), 76-86, 2020
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