Ann-Marie Bathmaker
Ann-Marie Bathmaker
在 bham.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Higher education, social class and the mobilisation of capitals: Recognising and playing the game
AM Bathmaker, N Ingram, R Waller
Education and Social Mobility, 105-125, 2017
Succeeding with your doctorate
J Wellington, C Hunt, AM Bathmaker
Sage, 2005
Higher education, social class and social mobility: The degree generation
AM Bathmaker, N Ingram, J Abrahams, A Hoare, R Waller, H Bradley
Springer, 2016
Becoming a lecturer in further education in England: the construction of professional identity and the role of communities of practice
AM Bathmaker, J Avis
Journal of Education for Teaching 31 (1), 47-62, 2005
Exploring learning, identity, and power through life history and narrative research
AM Bathmaker, P Harnett
Routledge, 2010
Thinking with Bourdieu: thinking after Bourdieu. Using ‘field’to consider in/equalities in the changing field of English higher education
AM Bathmaker
Cambridge Journal of education 45 (1), 61-80, 2015
Improving learning by widening participation in higher education
AM Bathmaker, G Crozier, P Davis, H Ertl, A Fuller, G Hayward, S Heath, ...
Routledge, 2010
The new skills agenda: increased lifelong learning or new sites of inequality?
Y Appleby, AM Bathmaker
British Educational Research Journal 32 (5), 703-717, 2006
Defining ‘knowledge’in vocational education qualifications in England: an analysis of key stakeholders and their constructions of knowledge, purposes and content
AM Bathmaker
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 65 (1), 87-107, 2013
Dual‐sector further and higher education: Policies, organisations and students in transition
AM Bathmaker, G Brooks, G Parry, D Smith
Research Papers in Education 23 (2), 125-137, 2008
Positioning themselves: an exploration of the nature and meaning of transitions in the context of dual sector FE/HE institutions in England
AM Bathmaker, W Thomas
Journal of Further and Higher Education 33 (2), 119-130, 2009
The expansion of higher education: A consideration of control, funding and quality
AM Bathmaker
Education studies: Essential issues, 169-189, 2003
The use of English textbooks for teaching English to'vocational'students in Singapore secondary schools: A survey of teachers' beliefs
RNF Lee, AM Bathmaker
RELC journal 38 (3), 350-374, 2007
Communities of practice and the construction of learners in post-compulsory education and training
J Avis, AM Bathmaker, J Parsons
Journal of Vocational Education and Training 54 (1), 27-50, 2002
‘How do I cope with that?’The challenge of ‘schooling’cultures in further education for trainee FE lecturers
AM Bathmaker, J Avis
British Educational Research Journal 33 (4), 509-532, 2007
Post-secondary education and training, new vocational and hybrid pathways and questions of equity, inequality and social mobility: introduction to the special issue
AM Bathmaker
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 69 (1), 1-9, 2017
‘it's the perfect education’: lifelong learning and the experience of foundation-level GNVQ students
AM Bathmaker
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 53 (1), 81-100, 2001
The politics of care: emotional labour and trainee further education lecturers [1]
J Avis, AM Bathmaker
Journal of Vocational Education and Training 56 (1), 05-20, 2004
Higher vocational education and social mobility: educational participation in Australia and England
S Webb, AM Bathmaker, T Gale, S Hodge, S Parker, S Rawolle
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 69 (1), 147-167, 2017
Hanging in or shaping a future: defining a role for vocationally related learning in a ‘knowledge’society
AM Bathmaker*
Journal of Education Policy 20 (1), 81-100, 2005
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