Melissa Morselli
Melissa Morselli
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Theoretically exploring direct and indirect chemical effects across ecological and exposure scenarios using mechanistic fate and effects modelling
F De Laender, M Morselli, H Baveco, PJ Van den Brink, A Di Guardo
Environment international 74, 181-190, 2015
A dynamic model of the fate of organic chemicals in a multilayered air/soil system: development and illustrative application
D Ghirardello, M Morselli, M Semplice, A Di Guardo
Environmental science & technology 44 (23), 9010-9017, 2010
Evaluating the temporal variability of concentrations of POPs in a glacier-fed stream food chain using a combined modeling approach
M Morselli, M Semplice, S Villa, A Di Guardo
Science of the Total Environment 493, 571-579, 2014
Predicting pesticide fate in small cultivated mountain watersheds using the DynAPlus model: Toward improved assessment of peak exposure
M Morselli, CM Vitale, A Ippolito, S Villa, R Giacchini, M Vighi, ...
Science of the Total Environment 615, 307-318, 2018
SoilPlusVeg: An integrated air-plant-litter-soil model to predict organic chemical fate and recycling in forests
E Terzaghi, M Morselli, M Semplice, BEL Cerabolini, KC Jones, ...
Science of the Total Environment 595, 169-177, 2017
Species interactions and chemical stress: Combined effects of intraspecific and interspecific interactions and pyrene on Daphnia magna population dynamics
KPJ Viaene, F De Laender, A Rico, PJ Van den Brink, A Di Guardo, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 34 (8), 1751-1759, 2015
Modeling short-term variability of semivolatile organic chemicals in air at a local scale: an integrated modeling approach
M Morselli, D Ghirardello, M Semplice, A Di Guardo
Environmental pollution 159 (5), 1406-1412, 2011
Importance of environmental and biomass dynamics in predicting chemical exposure in ecological risk assessment
M Morselli, M Semplice, F De Laender, PJ Van den Brink, A Di Guardo
Science of the Total Environment 526, 338-345, 2015
Improving the SoilPlusVeg model to evaluate rhizoremediation and PCB fate in contaminated soils
E Terzaghi, M Morselli, E Zanardini, C Morosini, G Raspa, A Di Guardo
Environmental Pollution 241, 1138-1145, 2018
Integration of an atmospheric dispersion model with a dynamic multimedia fate model: development and illustration
M Morselli, D Ghirardello, M Semplice, G Raspa, A Di Guardo
Environmental pollution 164, 182-187, 2012
Do environmental dynamics matter in fate models? Exploring scenario dynamics for a terrestrial and an aquatic system
M Morselli, E Terzaghi, A Di Guardo
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 20 (1), 145-156, 2018
Investigating the need for complex vs. simple scenarios to improve predictions of aquatic ecosystem exposure with the SoilPlus model
D Ghirardello, M Morselli, S Otto, G Zanin, A Di Guardo
Environmental pollution 184, 502-510, 2014
Pesticide fate in cultivated mountain basins: The improved DynAPlus model for predicting peak exposure and directing sustainable monitoring campaigns to protect aquatic ecosystems
M Morselli, E Terzaghi, F Galimberti, A Di Guardo
Chemosphere 210, 204-214, 2018
Guidance on the selection of efficient computational methods for multimedia fate models
M Semplice, D Ghirardello, M Morselli, A Di Guardo
Environmental science & technology 46 (3), 1616-1623, 2012
Integration of a dynamic organism model into the DynA Model: development and application to the case of DDT in Lake Maggiore, Italy
A Infantino, M Morselli, A Di Guardo
Science of the total environment 454, 358-365, 2013
European environmental scenarios of chemical bioavailability in freshwater systems
A Di Guardo, M Morselli, G Morabito, M Semplice, PJ Van den Brink, ...
Science of the Total Environment 580, 1237-1246, 2017
European-wide ecological scenarios for the exposure assessment of chemicals in aquatic systems
A Di Guardo, M Morselli, G Morabito, PJ Van den Brink, F De Laender
SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 2015
Dynamic modelling of fluxes of weathered polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soil: column experiments vs. modelling approaches in realistic environmental conditions
C Vitale, M Morselli, A Di Guardo
ABSTRACT BOOK SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 191-191, 2018
Past vs. recent emissions of PCBs from the city of Brescia (Italy): coupling monitoring data with a multimedia fate model to investigate PCB regional fate
E Terzaghi, M Morselli, G Raspa, A Di Guardo
ABSTRACT BOOK SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 72-73, 2018
Improved assessment of pesticide peak exposure in cultivated mountain watersheds
M Morselli, E Terzaghi, A Di Guardo
Abstract Book, 15-15, 2018
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