Pablo Burriel
Pablo Burriel
Head of euro area division, Banco de España
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Uncovering the heterogeneous effects of ECB unconventional monetary policies across euro area countries
P Burriel, A Galesi
European Economic Review 101, 210-229, 2018
Fiscal policy shocks in the euro area and the US: an empirical assessment
P Burriel, F De Castro, D Garrote, E Gordo, J Paredes, JJ Pérez
Fiscal Studies 31 (2), 251-285, 2010
MEDEA: a DSGE model for the Spanish economy
P Burriel, J Fernández-Villaverde, JF Rubio-Ramírez
SERIEs 1 (1), 175-243, 2010
Do decreasing hazard functions for price changes make any sense?
LJ Álvarez, P Burriel, I Hernando
Available at SSRN 683151, 2005
Price‐setting behaviour in Spain: evidence from micro PPI data
LJ Álvarez, P Burriel, I Hernando
Managerial and Decision Economics 31 (2‐3), 105-121, 2010
The New Keynesian Phillips curve under trend inflation and strategic complementarity
H Bakhshi, H Khan, P Burriel-Llombart, B Rudolf
Journal of macroeconomics 29 (1), 37-59, 2007
Endogenous price stickiness, trend inflation, and the New Keynesian Phillips curve
H Bakhshi, P Burriel-Llombart, H Khan, B Rudolf
Bank of England working paper, 2003
BEMOD: A DSGE Model for the Spanish Economy and the Rest of the Euro Area
J Andrés, P Burriel, Á Estrada
Banco de Espana Research Paper No. WP-0631, 2006
Economic consequences of high public debt: evidence from three large scale DSGE models
P Burriel, CD Checherita-Westphal, P Jacquinot, M Schonlau, N Stahler
Banco de Espana Working Paper, 2020
A Quality-Adjusted Labor Input Series for the United Kingdom (1975-2002)
V Bell, P Burriel, J Jones
Bank of England Working Paper, 2005
Fiscal policies in the euro area: Revisiting the size of spillovers
M Alloza, P Burriel, JJ Pérez
Journal of Macroeconomics 61, 103132, 2019
The Reform of the European Union’s Fiscal Governance Framework in a New Macroeconomic Environment (La reforma del marco de gobernanza de la política fiscal de la Unión Europea …
M Alloza, J Andrés, P Burriel, I Kataryniuk, JJ Pérez, JL Vega
Banco de Espana Occasional Paper, 2021
Is a Calvo price setting model consistent with individual price data?
LJ Alvarez, P Burriel
The BE journal of Macroeconomics 10 (1), 2010
El impacto de la política monetaria no convencional sobre las finanzas públicas de la UEM
P Burriel, F Martí, JJ Pérez
Boletín Económico/Banco de España, 3/2017, 2017
La reforma del marco de gobernanza de la política fiscal de la Unión Europea en un nuevo entorno macroeconómico
M Alloza, J Andrés, P Burriel, I Kataryniuk, JJ Pérez, JL Vega
Documentos Ocasionales/Banco de España, 2121, 2021
Actualización del modelo trimestral del Banco de España
E Ortega, P Burriel, JL Fernández Sánchez, E Ferraz Rodríguez, ...
Documentos de Trabajo/Banco de España, 0717, 2007
I. Hernando, 2005:“Price Setting Behaviour in Spain. Evidence from Micro PPI Data”
LJ Álvarez, P Burriel
ECB Working paper, 0
A new supply bottlenecks index based on newspaper data
P Burriel, I Kataryniuk, C Moreno Pérez, F Viani
Banco de Espana Working Paper, 2023
A fiscal capacity for the euro area: lessons from existing fiscal-federal systems
P Burriel, P Chronis, M Freier, S Hauptmeier, L Reiss, D Stegarescu, ...
Banco de España Occasional Paper, 2020
Monetary-fiscal policy interactions in the euro area
X Debrun, K Masuch, I Vansteenkiste, M Ferdinandusse, L von Thadden, ...
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