The woodfuel crisis reconsidered: observations on the dynamics of abundance and scarcity PA Dewees World development 17 (8), 1159-1172, 1989 | 351 | 1989 |
Managing the miombo woodlands of southern Africa: policies, incentives and options for the rural poor PA Dewees, BM Campbell, Y Katerere, A Sitoe, AB Cunningham, ... Journal of natural resources policy research 2 (1), 57-73, 2010 | 285 | 2010 |
Tree management in farmer strategies: responses to agricultural intensification. JEM Arnold, PA Dewees | 177 | 1995 |
Policies and incentives for the adoption of improved fallows F Place, P Dewees Agroforestry systems 47, 323-343, 1999 | 140 | 1999 |
Farms Trees and farmers: Responses to agricultural intensification JEM Arnold, PA Dewees Routledge, 2014 | 135 | 2014 |
From users to custodians: changing relations between people and the state in forest management in Tanzania L Wily, PA Dewees World Bank Publications, 2001 | 124 | 2001 |
Trees on farms in Malawi: private investment, public policy, and farmer choice PA Dewees World Development 23 (7), 1085-1102, 1995 | 120 | 1995 |
Indigenous woodlands, agricultural production and household economy in the communal areas P Bradley, P Dewees World Bank Technical Paper, 63-63, 1993 | 116 | 1993 |
Rethinking approaches to tree management by farmers JE Arnold, PA Dewees Natural Resources Perspectives, 1998 | 89 | 1998 |
Policies and markets for non-timber tree products PA Dewees, SJ Scherr Available at SSRN 1292507, 1996 | 85 | 1996 |
Social and economic aspects of miombo woodland management in southern Africa: options and opportunities for research PA Dewees CIFOR Occasional paper, 1994 | 73 | 1994 |
Trees and farm boundaries: farm forestry, land tenure and reform in Kenya PA Dewees Africa 65 (2), 217-235, 1995 | 61 | 1995 |
Wood product markets as incentives for farmer tree growing PA Dewees, NC Saxena Farms Trees and Farmers, 198-241, 2014 | 59 | 2014 |
Social and economic incentives for smallholder tree growing: a case study from Murang'a District, Kenya. PA Dewees | 58 | 1993 |
Trees, land, and labor PA Dewees World Bank Publications, 1993 | 54 | 1993 |
Tree planting and household land and labour allocation: case studies from Kenya and India PA Dewees, NC Saxena Farms Trees and Farmers, 242-268, 2014 | 50 | 2014 |
Trees in managed landscapes: factors in farmer decision making JE Arnold, PA Dewees Agriculture in Sustainable Agricultural Systems, 277-294, 1999 | 47 | 1999 |
Forestry policy and woodfuel markets in Malawi PA Dewees Natural Resources Forum 19 (2), 143-152, 1995 | 40 | 1995 |
The impact of capital and labour availability on smallholder tree growing in Kenya P Dewees, PA Dewees University of Oxford, 1991 | 25 | 1991 |
Investing in trees and landscape restoration in Africa: what, where, and how P Dewees, F Place, SJ Scheer, C Buss World Bank, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |