Frederic Allegrini
Global observations of the interstellar interaction from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX)
DJ McComas, F Allegrini, P Bochsler, M Bzowski, ER Christian, GB Crew, ...
Science 326 (5955), 959-962, 2009
IBEX—Interstellar boundary explorer
DJ McComas, F Allegrini, P Bochsler, M Bzowski, M Collier, H Fahr, ...
Space science reviews 146, 11-33, 2009
The Jovian auroral distributions experiment (JADE) on the Juno mission to Jupiter
DJ McComas, N Alexander, F Allegrini, F Bagenal, C Beebe, G Clark, ...
Space Science Reviews 213, 547-643, 2017
Structures and spectral variations of the outer heliosphere in IBEX energetic neutral atom maps
HO Funsten, F Allegrini, GB Crew, R DeMajistre, PC Frisch, SA Fuselier, ...
Science 326 (5955), 964-966, 2009
The interstellar boundary explorer high energy (IBEX-Hi) neutral atom imager
HO Funsten, F Allegrini, P Bochsler, G Dunn, S Ellis, D Everett, MJ Fagan, ...
Space Science Reviews 146, 75-103, 2009
Magnetospheric Science Objectives of the Juno Mission
F Bagenal, A Adriani, F Allegrini, SJ Bolton, B Bonfond, EJ Bunce, ...
Space Science Reviews 213, 219-287, 2017
The solar orbiter solar wind analyser (SWA) suite
CJ Owen, R Bruno, S Livi, P Louarn, K Al Janabi, F Allegrini, C Amoros, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A16, 2020
Width and variation of the ENA flux ribbon observed by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer
SA Fuselier, F Allegrini, HO Funsten, AG Ghielmetti, D Heirtzler, ...
science 326 (5955), 962-964, 2009
Separation of the Interstellar Boundary Explorer ribbon from globally distributed energetic neutral atom flux
NA Schwadron, F Allegrini, M Bzowski, ER Christian, GB Crew, M Dayeh, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 731 (1), 56, 2011
Interstellar mapping and acceleration probe (IMAP): A new NASA mission
DJ McComas, ER Christian, NA Schwadron, N Fox, J Westlake, F Allegrini, ...
Space science reviews 214, 1-54, 2018
Jupiter’s magnetosphere and aurorae observed by the Juno spacecraft during its first polar orbits
JEP Connerney, A Adriani, F Allegrini, F Bagenal, SJ Bolton, B Bonfond, ...
Science 356 (6340), 826-832, 2017
The two wide-angle imaging neutral-atom spectrometers (TWINS) NASA mission-of-opportunity
DJ McComas, F Allegrini, J Baldonado, B Blake, PC Brandt, J Burch, ...
Space Science Reviews 142, 157-231, 2009
Lunar backscatter and neutralization of the solar wind: First observations of neutral atoms from the Moon
DJ McComas, F Allegrini, P Bochsler, P Frisch, HO Funsten, M Gruntman, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (12), 2009
The first three years of IBEX observations and our evolving heliosphere
DJ McComas, MA Dayeh, F Allegrini, M Bzowski, R DeMajistre, K Fujiki, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 203 (1), 1, 2012
The interstellar boundary explorer (IBEX)
D McComas, F Allegrini, P Bochsler, M Bzowski, M Collier, H Fahr, ...
AIP Conference proceedings 719 (1), 162-181, 2004
The Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Instrument Aboard New Horizons
D McComas, F Allegrini, F Bagenal, P Casey, P Delamere, D Demkee, ...
Space Science Reviews 140, 261-313, 2008
Juno observations of energetic charged particles over Jupiter's polar regions: Analysis of monodirectional and bidirectional electron beams
BH Mauk, DK Haggerty, C Paranicas, G Clark, P Kollmann, AM Rymer, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (10), 4410-4418, 2017
Separation of the ribbon from globally distributed energetic neutral atom flux using the first five years of IBEX observations
NA Schwadron, E Moebius, SA Fuselier, DJ McComas, HO Funsten, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 215 (1), 13, 2014
Discrete and broadband electron acceleration in Jupiter’s powerful aurora
BH Mauk, DK Haggerty, C Paranicas, G Clark, P Kollmann, AM Rymer, ...
Nature 549 (7670), 66-69, 2017
IBEX: the first five years (2009–2013)
DJ McComas, F Allegrini, M Bzowski, MA Dayeh, R DeMajistre, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 213 (2), 20, 2014
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