Johanna Ikävalko
Johanna Ikävalko
Head of unit, Marine Research, Finnish Meteorological Institute
在 fmi.fi 的电子邮件经过验证
Organism incorporation into newly forming Arctic sea ice in the Greenland Sea
R Gradinger, J Ikävalko
Journal of Plankton Research 20 (5), 871-886, 1998
Flagellates and heliozoans in the Greenland Sea ice studied alive using light microscopy
J Ikävalko, R Gradinger
Polar Biology 17, 473-481, 1997
Sea-ice algae in Arctic pack ice during late winter
I Werner, J Ikävalko, H Schünemann
Polar Biology 30, 1493-1504, 2007
The Baltic Sea ice biota (March 1994): a study of the protistan community
J Ikävalko, HA Thomsen
European Journal of Protistology 33 (3), 229-243, 1997
A redescription of Scrippsiella hangoei (Schiller) comb. nov.–a ‘red tide’dinoflagellate from the northern Baltic
J Larsen, H Kuosa, J Ikävalko, K Kivi, S Hällfors
Phycologia 34 (2), 135-144, 1995
Further observations on flagellates within sea ice in northern Bothnian Bay, the Baltic Sea
J Ikävalko
Polar Biology 19, 323-329, 1998
New observations on the heterotrophic protist genus Thaumatomastix (Thaumatomastigaceae, Protista incertae sedis), with particular emphasis on material from the Baltic Sea
HA Thomsen, G Hällfors, S Hällfors, J Ikävalko
Annales Botanici Fennici, 87-108, 1993
Ice tank studies of physical and biological sea-ice processes
H Eicken, J Weissenberger, I Bussmann, J Freitag, W Schuster, ...
Ice in surface waters. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on …, 1998
Role of sea-ice biota in nutrient and organic material cycles in the northern Baltic Sea
J Kuparinen, H Kuosa, A Andersson, R Autio, MA Granskog, J Ikävalko, ...
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 36 (2), 149-154, 2007
A Preliminary Study of NE Greenland Shallow Meltwater Ponds with Particular Emphasis on Loricate and Scale-covered Forms (Choanoflagellida, Chrysophyceae sensu lato …
J IkÄvalko, HA Thomsen, M Carstens
Archiv für Protistenkunde 147 (1), 29-42, 1996
Observations on silica-scaled flagellates (Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae) in the brackish water of Pojo Bay, SW coast of Finland
Annales Botanici Fennici, 1-27, 1994
Scale-covered and loricate flagellates (Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae) from Baltic Sea ice
J Ikävalko, HA Thomsen
Nova Hedwigia Beiheft 114, 147-160, 1996
Arctic cooperation in a new situation: Analysis on the impacts of the Russian war of aggression
T Koivurova, M Heikkilä, J Ikävalko, S Kirchner, S Kopra, H Mikkola, ...
fi= Valtioneuvoston kanslia| sv= Statsrådets kansli| en= Prime Minister's …, 2022
Removal by sorption and in situ biodegradation of oil spills limits damage to marine biota: a laboratory simulation
S Suni, K Koskinen, S Kauppi, E Hannula, T Ryynänen, A Aalto, ...
Ambio: A Journal of the human environment 36 (2), 173-179, 2007
Contribution to the flora of silica-scaled flagellates in Mikkeli, central Finland
J Ikävalko
Nova Hedwigia 58 (3-4), 475-506, 1994
Species of Thaumatomastix (Thaumatomastigidae, Protista incertae sedis) from the Arctic sea ice biota (north-east water polynya, NE Greenland)
HA Thomsen, J Ikävalko
Journal of marine systems 10 (1-4), 263-277, 1997
Three new species of Thaumatomastix (Thaumatomastigidae, Protista incertae sedis), a ubiquitous genus from the Antarctic ice biota
HA Thomsen, C Kosman, J Ikävalko
European journal of protistology 31 (2), 174-181, 1995
Effects of oil and gas activity on the environment and human health
C Macdonald, L Lockhart, A Gilman, T Baker, T Bakke, D Cantin, M Dam, ...
Assessment 2007: Oil and gas activities in the Arctic-effects and potential …, 2010
Checklist of unicellular and invertebrate organisms within and closely associated with sea ice in the Arctic regions
J Ikävalko
Finnish Institute of Marine Research, 2004
A revision of the taxonomic position of Syncrypta glomerifera (Chrysophyceae), establishment of a new genus Lepidochrysis and observations on the occurrence of L. glomerifera …
J Ikävalko, J Kristiansen, HA Thomsen
Nordic journal of botany 14 (3), 339-344, 1994
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