A Standard International Socio-Economic Index of Occupational Status HBG Ganzeboom, PM De Graaf, DJ Treiman Social Science Research 21 (1), 1-56, 1992 | 4667 | 1992 |
Internationally comparable measures of occupational status for the 1988 International Standard Classification of Occupations HBG Ganzeboom, DJ Treiman Social Science Research 25 (3), 201-239, 1996 | 2894 | 1996 |
Comparative intergenerational stratification research: Three generations and beyond HBG Ganzeboom, DJ Treiman, WC Ultee Annual Review of Sociology 17 (1), 277-302, 1991 | 721 | 1991 |
Three internationally standardised measures for comparative research on occupational status HBG Ganzeboom, DJ Treiman Advances in Cross-National Comparison. A European working book for …, 2003 | 661 | 2003 |
A new International Socio-Economic Index (ISEI) of occupational status for the International Standard Classification of Occupation 2008 (ISCO-08) constructed with data from the … HBG Ganzeboom Annual Conference of International Social Survey Programme, Lisbon, 2010 | 629* | 2010 |
Intergenerational Class Mobility in Comparative Perspective HBG Ganzeboom, R Luijkx, DJ Treiman Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 8, 3-84, 1989 | 609 | 1989 |
Do mothers matter? A comparison of models of the influence of mother’s and father’s education and occupational status on children’s educational attainment SE Korupp, HBG Ganzeboom, T Van der Lippe Quality and Quantity 36 (1), 17-42, 2002 | 341 | 2002 |
International Stratification and Mobility File: Conversion tools HBG Ganzeboom, DJ Treiman http://www.harryganzeboom.nl/ismf/index.htm, 1996 | 340* | 1996 |
The fourth generation of comparative stratification research DJ Treiman, HBG Ganzeboom The International Handbook of Sociology. Edited by Stella R. Quah and Arnaud …, 2000 | 260 | 2000 |
Family background and educational attainment in the Netherlands of 1891-1960 birth cohorts PM De Graaf, HBG Ganzeboom Persistent Inequality: Changing educational attainment in thirteen countries …, 1993 | 257 | 1993 |
Explaining differential participation in high-cultural activities: a confrontation of information-processing and status-seeking theories HBG Ganzeboom Theoretical Models and Empirical Analyses, edited by Werner Raub, 186-205, 1982 | 231 | 1982 |
Cultuurdeelname in Nederland: een empirisch-theoretisch onderzoek naar determinanten van deelname aan culturele activiteiten HBG Ganzeboom Assen: Van Gorcum, 1989 | 201 | 1989 |
Leefstijlen in Nederland HBG Ganzeboom Alphen a/d Rijn: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau / Samsom, 1988 | 148* | 1988 |
Cultural reproduction theory on socialist ground: intergenerational transmission of inequalities in Hungary HBG Ganzeboom, PM De Graaf, P Robert Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 9, 79-104, 1990 | 146* | 1990 |
Cross-national comparative status attainment research DJ Treiman, HBG Ganzeboom Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 9, 105-127, 1990 | 143 | 1990 |
Measuring and modelling level of education in European societies H Schröder, HBG Ganzeboom European Sociological Review 30 (1), 119-136, 2014 | 133 | 2014 |
Unemployment scarring by gender: Human capital depreciation or stigmatization? Longitudinal evidence from the Netherlands, 1980–2000 I Mooi-Reci, HB Ganzeboom Social Science Research 52, 642-658, 2015 | 106 | 2015 |
Participation in legitimate culture: family and school effects from adolescence tot adulthood I Nagel, HBG Ganzeboom Netherlands Journal of Social Sciences 38 (2), 102-120, 2002 | 106 | 2002 |
Access to education in six Eastern European countries between 1940 and 1985. Results of a cross-national survey HBG Ganzeboom, P Nieuwbeerta Communist and Post-Communist Studies 32 (4), 339-357, 1999 | 103 | 1999 |
Intergenerational consequences of migration: Socio-economic, family and cultural patterns of stability and change in Turkey and Europe A Guveli, H Ganzeboom, L Platt, B Nauck, H Baykara-Krumme, S Eroglu, ... Springer, 2016 | 102* | 2016 |