From transaction cost to transactional value analysis: Implications for the study of interorganizational strategies EJ Zajac, CP Olsen Journal of management studies 30 (1), 131-145, 1993 | 1982 | 1993 |
Who shall govern? CEO/board power, demographic similarity, and new director selection JD Westphal, EJ Zajac Administrative science quarterly, 60-83, 1995 | 1759 | 1995 |
Modeling the dynamics of strategic fit: A normative approach to strategic change EJ Zajac, MS Kraatz, RKF Bresser Strategic management journal 21 (4), 429-453, 2000 | 1550 | 2000 |
Top management incentives, monitoring, and risk-bearing: A study of executive compensation, ownership, and board structure in initial public offerings. RP Beatty, EJ Zajac Academy of management proceedings 1990 (1), 7-11, 1990 | 1548 | 1990 |
The symbolic management of strategic change: Sensegiving via framing and decoupling PC Fiss, EJ Zajac Academy of management journal 49 (6), 1173-1193, 2006 | 1351 | 2006 |
How organizational resources affect strategic change and performance in turbulent environments: Theory and evidence MS Kraatz, EJ Zajac Organization science 12 (5), 632-657, 2001 | 1236 | 2001 |
The diffusion of ideas over contested terrain: The (non) adoption of a shareholder value orientation among German firms PC Fiss, EJ Zajac Administrative science quarterly 49 (4), 501-534, 2004 | 1217 | 2004 |
Made to fit: How practices vary as they diffuse SM Ansari, PC Fiss, EJ Zajac Academy of management review 35 (1), 67-92, 2010 | 1209 | 2010 |
SUBSTANCE AND SYMBOLISM IN CEOS'LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLANS. JD Westphal, EJ Zajac Academy of Management Proceedings 1993 (1), 232-236, 1993 | 1203 | 1993 |
The symbolic management of stockholders: Corporate governance reforms and shareholder reactions JD Westphal, EJ Zajac Administrative science quarterly, 127-153, 1998 | 1158 | 1998 |
Exploring the limits of the new institutionalism: The causes and consequences of illegitimate organizational change MS Kraatz, EJ Zajac American sociological review, 812-836, 1996 | 1149 | 1996 |
Perceptual and archival measures of Miles and Snow's strategic types: A comprehensive assessment of reliability and validity SM Shortell, EJ Zajac Academy of management Journal 33 (4), 817-832, 1990 | 1119 | 1990 |
When will boards influence strategy? Inclination× power= strategic change BR Golden, EJ Zajac Strategic management journal 22 (12), 1087-1111, 2001 | 1066 | 2001 |
Decoupling policy from practice: The case of stock repurchase programs JD Westphal, EJ Zajac Administrative science quarterly 46 (2), 202-228, 2001 | 1025 | 2001 |
Changing generic strategies: Likelihood, direction, and performance implications EJ Zajac, SM Shortell Strategic management journal 10 (5), 413-430, 1989 | 923 | 1989 |
Who shall succeed? How CEO/board preferences and power affect the choice of new CEOs EJ Zajac, JD Westphal Academy of Management Journal 39 (1), 64-90, 1996 | 882 | 1996 |
Blind spots in industry and competitor analysis: Implications of interfirm (mis) perceptions for strategic decisions EJ Zajac, MH Bazerman Academy of management review 16 (1), 37-56, 1991 | 868 | 1991 |
The costs and benefits of managerial incentives and monitoring in large US corporations: When is more not better? EJ Zajac, JD Westphal Strategic management journal 15 (S1), 121-142, 1994 | 865 | 1994 |
Status evolution and competition: Theory and evidence M Washington, EJ Zajac Academy of Management Journal 48 (2), 282-296, 2005 | 851 | 2005 |
The social construction of market value: Institutionalization and learning perspectives on stock market reactions EJ Zajac, JD Westphal American sociological review 69 (3), 433-457, 2004 | 792 | 2004 |