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The effect of addition of melon (Cucumis melo L.) flesh juice into Lactated Ringer’s-egg yolk extender on spermatozoa plasma membrane integrity and spermatozoa morphological … DG Pitaloka, M Hariadi, EP Hestianah, SI Akeju, S Susilowati, B Utomo, ... Ovozoa: J Anim Reprod 12, 48-56, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
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The effect of crude guava leaf tannins on motility, viability, and intact plasma membrane of stored spermatozoa of Etawa crossbred goats. Vet World. 13 (3): 530-537 W Wurlina, M Hariadi, E Safitri, S Susilowati, DK Meles Abstract, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |