Taiane Ritta coelho
Taiane Ritta coelho
Professora da UFPR; Doutora em Administração, FGV-EAESP
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Internet e participação: o caso do orçamento participativo digital de Belo Horizonte
MAVC Cunha, TR Coelho, M Pozzebon
Revista de Administração de Empresas 54, 296-308, 2014
Transparência governamental nos estados e grandes municípios brasileiros: uma “dança dos sete véus” incompleta?
TR Coelho, TAB da Silva, MA Cunha, MAC Teixeira
Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania 23 (75), 2018
Analysing ICT and development from the perspective of the capabilities approach: A study in South Brazil
TR Coelho, AP Segatto, JR Frega
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 67 (1 …, 2015
Making sense to decreasing citizen eParticipation through a social representation lens
M Pozzebon, MA Cunha, TR Coelho
Information and Organization 26 (3), 84-99, 2016
Citizens influencing public policy‐making: Resourcing as source of relational power in e‐participation platforms
TR Coelho, M Pozzebon, MA Cunha
Information Systems Journal 32 (2), 344-376, 2022
The client-consultant relationship in ERP implementation in government: Exploring the dynamic between power and knowledge
TR Coelho, MA Cunha, F de Souza Meirelles
Information Polity 21 (3), 307-320, 2016
Get into the Club: Positioning a Developing Country in the International e‐Gov Research
MA Cunha, TR Coelho, E Przeybilovicz
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 79 (1 …, 2017
Gestão da Qualidade em Organizações de Serviços: barreiras e facilitadores
AM Feiten, TR Coelho
Revista de Administração FACES Journal, 56-71, 2019
O desenvolvimento dos estudos sobre governo eletrônico no Brasil: um estudo bibliométrico e sociométrico
E Przeybilovicz, MA Cunha, TR Coelho
Revista Electronica de Sistemas de Informaçao 14 (3), 3, 2015
The use of ICT in the informal recycling sector: The Brazilian case of Relix
TR Coelho, MRMC Hino, SMO Vahldick
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 85 (3 …, 2019
eParticipation and the policy cycle: Designing a research agenda
TR Coelho, MA Cunha, M Pozzebon
Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Digital …, 2017
eParticipation practices and mechanisms of influence: An investigation of public policymaking
TR Coelho, MA Cunha, M Pozzebon
Government Information Quarterly 39 (2), 101667, 2022
The development of studies on electronic government in Brazil: a bibliometric and sociometric study
E Przeybilovicz, MA Cunha, TR Coelho
Positioning Brazil in International eGov research: a proposal based from literature review
TR Coelho, E Przeybilovicz, MA Cunha, THS Echternacht
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2677-2686, 2016
The use of ICT in public decision-making participation
MA Cunha, TR Coelho, M Pozzebon
Proceedings of the ECIS–21st European Conference on Information Systems, 2013
Quality management in service organizations: barriers and sucess factors
AM Feiten, TR Coelho
Rev Adm Faces J 18 (3), 56-71, 2019
Ferramentas de BI para inteligência competitiva: o caso Ebanx
L Harmatiuk, TR Coelho
Revista Brasileira de Educação em Ciência da Informação 8, 2021
The client-consultant relationship in the implementation of ERP in government: exploring the dynamic between power and knowledge
TR Coelho, MA Cunha, F de Souza Meirelles
Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Digital …, 2015
Transparência governamental na federação brasileira: resultados heterogêneos motivados por diferentes capacidades de TI
MA Cunha, T Coelho, T Silva, S Cantoni, MA Teixeira
TIC Governo eletrônico, 75-85, 2015
Dados abertos nos municípios, estados e governo federal brasileiros
MAVC Cunha, MSG Rosina, MAC Teixeira, AP Silva, EA Lazzari, ...
Projeto democracia digital, 2015
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