Truth commissions, trials-or nothing? Policy options in democratic transitions E Skaar Third world quarterly 20 (6), 1109-1128, 1999 | 198 | 1999 |
Democratization and the judiciary: the accountability function of courts in new democracies R Gargarella, S Gloppen, E Skaar Routledge, 2004 | 187 | 2004 |
Judicial independence and human rights in Latin America: violations, politics, and prosecution E Skaar Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 | 159 | 2011 |
Courts and power in Latin America and Africa S Gloppen, BM Wilson, R Gargarella, E Skaar, M Kinander Palgrave macmillan, 2010 | 129 | 2010 |
Transitional justice in Latin America: the uneven road from impunity towards accountability E Skaar, J García-Godos, C Collins Routledge, 2016 | 102 | 2016 |
Roads to reconciliation E Skaar, S Gloppen, A Suhrke Lexington Books, 2005 | 102 | 2005 |
Reconciliation in a transitional justice perspective E Skaar Transitional Justice Review 1 (1), 54-103, 2012 | 95 | 2012 |
Roads to Reconciliation S Gloppen, E Skaar, A Suhrke Lexington Books, 2005 | 84 | 2005 |
After violence E Skaar, CG Malca, T Eide Abingdon, Oxon [Inglaterra]: Routledge, 2015 | 52 | 2015 |
The drivers of transitional justice: An analytical framework for assessing the role of actors E Skaar, E Wiebelhaus-Brahm Nordic Journal of Human Rights 31 (2), 127-148, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
Legal development and human rights in Uruguay: 1985–2002 E Skaar Human Rights Review 8 (2), 52-70, 2007 | 42 | 2007 |
Un análisis de las reformas judiciales de Argentina, Chile y Uruguay E Skaar América Latina Hoy 34, 147–186, 2003 | 33 | 2003 |
“A conflict does not rot”: State and civil society responses to civil war offences in Mozambique V Igreja, E Skaar Nordic Journal of Human Rights 31 (2), 149-175, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Human Rights Violations and the paradox of Democratic Transition. A study of Chile and Argentina E Skaar Chr. Michelsen Institute, 1994 | 28 | 1994 |
Judicial independence and human rights policies in Argentina and Chile E Skaar Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2001 | 27 | 2001 |
Latin American civil-military relations in a historical perspective: A literature review E Skaar, CG Malca CMI Working Paper, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |
Introduction: the accountability function of the courts in new democracies S Gloppen, R Gargarella, E Skaar Democratization 10 (4), 1-6, 2003 | 22 | 2003 |
Transitional justice alternatives: Claims and counterclaims E Skaar, CG Malca After Violence, 1-28, 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
Argentina: Truth, justice and reconciliation E Skaar Roads to reconciliation, 157-175, 2005 | 21 | 2005 |
Judicial Independence: A Key to Justice. An Analysis of Latin America in the 1990s E Skaar University of California, Los Angeles, 2002 | 21 | 2002 |