Milan Tichý
Milan Tichý
在 mbox.troja.mff.cuni.cz 的电子邮件经过验证
Low temperature plasmas
R Hippler, H Kersten, M Schmidt, KH Schoenbach
Eds R Hippler et al, Berlin: Wiley 787, 2008
Germination of Chenopodium album in response to microwave plasma treatment
B Sera, V Stranák, M Serý, M Tichý, P Spatenka
Plasma Science and Technology 10 (4), 506, 2008
Measurements with an emissive probe in the CASTOR tokamak
R Schrittwieser, P Balan, M Hron, C Ionita, K Jakubka, L Kryska, ...
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 44 (5), 567, 2002
An experimental study of plasma density determination by a cylindrical Langmuir probe at different pressures and magnetic fields in a cylindrical magnetron discharge in heavy …
E Passoth, P Kudrna, C Csambal, JF Behnke, M Tichý, V Helbig
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 30 (12), 1763, 1997
Formation of TiOx films produced by high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering
V Straňák, M Quaas, H Wulff, Z Hubička, S Wrehde, M Tichý, R Hippler
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (5), 055202, 2008
A novel approach to direct measurement of the plasma potential
J Adámek, J Stöckel, M Hron, J Ryszawy, M Tichý, R Schrittwieser, ...
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54, C95-C99, 2004
Comparative measurements of the plasma potential with the ball-pen and emissive probes on the CASTOR tokamak
J Adamek, J Stöckel, I Ďuran, M Hron, R Panek, M Tichý, R Schrittwieser, ...
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 55, 235-242, 2005
Advanced integrated stationary afterglow method for experimental study of recombination of processes of H3+ and D3+ ions with electrons
R Plasil, J Glosk, V Poterya, P Kudrna, J Rusz, M Tichy, A Pysanenko
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 218 (2), 105-130, 2002
A collisional model of the positive ion collection by a cylindrical Langmuir probe
M Tichý, M Šícha, P David, T David
Contributions to Plasma Physics 34 (1), 59-68, 1994
Size-controlled formation of Cu nanoclusters in pulsed magnetron sputtering system
V Straňák, S Block, S Drache, Z Hubička, CA Helm, L Jastrabík, M Tichý, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 205 (8-9), 2755-2762, 2011
A contribution to the assessment of the influence of collisions on the measurements with Langmuir probes in the thick sheath working regime
S Klagge, M Tichý
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B 35, 988-1006, 1985
Time-resolved investigation of dual high power impulse magnetron sputtering with closed magnetic field during deposition of Ti–Cu thin films
V Stranak, M Cada, Z Hubicka, M Tichy, R Hippler
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (4), 2010
The recombination of H3+ ions with electrons: dependence on partial pressure of H2
J Glosık, R Plašil, V Poterya, P Kudrna, M Tichý
Chemical Physics Letters 331 (2-4), 209-214, 2000
Emissive probe diagnostics in low temperature plasma–effect of space charge and variations of electron saturation current
A Marek, M Jilek, I Pickova, P Kudrna, M Tichý, R Schrittwieser, C Ionita
Contributions to Plasma Physics 48 (5‐7), 491-496, 2008
Emissive probe measurements of plasma potential fluctuations in the edge plasma regions of tokamaks
P Balan, R Schrittwieser, C Ioniţă, JA Cabral, HFC Figueiredo, ...
Review of scientific instruments 74 (3), 1583-1587, 2003
Physical properties of homogeneous TiO2 films prepared by high power impulse magnetron sputtering as a function of crystallographic phase and nanostructure
V Straňák, M Čada, M Quaas, S Block, R Bogdanowicz, Š Kment, H Wulff, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (10), 105204, 2009
Advanced integrated stationary afterglow method for experimental study of recombination of processes of H3+ and D3+ ions with electrons
R Plašil, J Glosık, V Poterya, P Kudrna, J Rusz, M Tichý, A Pysanenko
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 218 (2), 105-130, 2002
Effect of nitrogen doping on TiOxNy thin film formation at reactive high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering
V Stranak, M Quaas, R Bogdanowicz, H Steffen, H Wulff, Z Hubicka, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (28), 285203, 2010
Langmuir probe diagnostics of low-temperature plasmas
S Pfau, M Tichý
Low temperature plasma physics, 131-172, 2001
Deposition of rutile (TiO2) with preferred orientation by assisted high power impulse magnetron sputtering
V Stranak, AP Herrendorf, H Wulff, S Drache, M Cada, Z Hubicka, M Tichy, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 222, 112-117, 2013
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