Dr. Intan Salwani Mohamed
Dr. Intan Salwani Mohamed
Senior lecturer, Accounting Research Institute Universiti Teknologi MARA
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E‐commerce usage and business performance in the Malaysian tourism sector: empirical analysis
M Intan Salwani, G Marthandan, M Daud Norzaidi, S Choy Chong
Information management & computer security 17 (2), 166-185, 2009
Stress and academic performance: Empirical evidence from university students
K Rafidah, A Azizah, MD Norzaidi, SC Chong, MI Salwani, I Noraini
Academy of Educational Leadership Journal 13 (1), 37, 2009
Intranet usage and managers' performance in the port industry
M Daud Norzaidi, S Choy Chong, R Murali, M Intan Salwani
Industrial Management & Data Systems 107 (8), 1227-1250, 2007
Technology trust and mobile banking satisfaction: a case of Malaysian consumers
MN Masrek, IS Mohamed, NM Daud, N Omar
Procedia-Social and behavioral sciences 129, 53-58, 2014
Mosque fund management: issues on accountability and internal controls
IS Mohamed, NH Ab Aziz, MN Masrek, NM Daud
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 145, 189-194, 2014
The impact of perceived stress and stress factors on academic performance of pre-diploma science students: a Malaysian study
K Rafidah, A Azizah, MD Norzaidi, SC Chong, MI Salwani, I Noraini
International journal of scientific research in education 2 (1), 13-26, 2009
A study of intranet usage and resistance in Malaysia's port industry
MD Norzaidi, MI Salwani, SC Chong, K Rafidah
Journal of Computer Information Systems 49 (1), 37-47, 2008
Evaluating technology resistance and technology satisfaction on students' performance
M Daud Norzaidi, M Intan Salwani
Campus-Wide Information Systems 26 (4), 298-312, 2009
The current practice of Islamic microfinance institutions’ accounting information system via the implementation of mobile banking
AM Amran, RA Rahman, SNS Yusof, IS Mohamed
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 145, 81-87, 2014
Risk management process: Profiling of islamic microfinance providers
N Rozzani, IS Mohamed, SNS Yusuf
Research in International Business and Finance 41, 20-27, 2017
Perceived resistance, user resistance and managers' performance in the Malaysian port industry
M Daud Norzaidi, S Choy Chong, M Intan Salwani
Aslib Proceedings 60 (3), 242-264, 2008
Towards a holistic model in investigating the effects of intranet usage on managerial performance: a study on Malaysian port industry
MD Norzaidi, SC Chong, R Murali, MI Salwani
Maritime Policy & Management 36 (3), 269-289, 2009
Factors influencing the usage of e-Procurement among contractor companies in Malaysia
N Mohd Daud, N Mohammad, AE Azmi, IS Mohamed
Business and Management Quarterly Review (BMQR) 4 (3&4), 62-80, 2013
Internal financial controls practices of district mosques in central region of Malaysia
MN Masrek, IS Mohamed, NM Daud, R Arshad, N Omar
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance 5 (3), 255, 2014
Auditing and data analytics via computer assisted audit techniques (CAATS) determinants of adoption intention among auditors in Malaysia
IS Mohamed, NHM Muhayyidin, N Rozzani
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on big data and internet of …, 2019
Information technology sophistication and goods and services tax in Malaysia
NH Abd Mansor, IS Mohamed, LM Ling, N Kasim
Procedia Economics and Finance 35, 2-9, 2016
The indirect effects of intranet functionalities on middle managers' performance: Evidence from the maritime industry
M Daud Norzaidi, S Choy Chong, M Intan Salwani, B Lin
Kybernetes 40 (1/2), 166-181, 2011
Information Technology Management (IT) Models: An Introduction
MD Norzaidi, M Intan Salwani
University Publication Centre, Shah Alam, 2007
Internet financial reporting in Malaysia
AA Aziz, NNM Ariffin, IS Mohamed
International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing 3, 302-306, 2009
Applying technology: Issues in microfinance operations
N Rozzani, RA Rahman, SI Mohamed, SNS Yusuf
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 17 (3), 374-381, 2013
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