Massimo greco
Massimo greco
Professore di Idraulica, Università federico II
在 unina.it 的电子邮件经过验证
New approach to water distribution network calibration
M Greco, GD Giudice
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 125 (8), 849-854, 1999
A two-phase model for fast geomorphic shallow flows
M Greco, M Iervolino, A Leopardi, A Vacca
International Journal of Sediment Research 27 (4), 409-425, 2012
1D numerical evaluation of dike erosion due to overtopping
M Pontillo, L Schmocker, M Greco, WH Hager
Journal of Hydraulic Research 48 (5), 573-582, 2010
Two-dimensional two-phase depth-integrated model for transients over mobile bed
CD Cristo, M Greco, M Iervolino, A Leopardi, A Vacca
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 142 (2), 04015043, 2016
Dam-break waves over an erodible embankment: experiments and simulations
C Di Cristo, S Evangelista, M Greco, M Iervolino, A Leopardi, A Vacca
Journal of Hydraulic Research 56 (2), 196-210, 2018
Two-dimensional modeling of floods to map risk-prone areas
A Leopardi, E Oliveri, M Greco
Journal of water resources planning and management 128 (3), 168-178, 2002
A new algorithm for bank-failure mechanisms in 2D morphodynamic models with unstructured grids
S Evangelista, M Greco, M Iervolino, A Leopardi, A Vacca
International Journal of Sediment Research 30 (4), 382-391, 2015
Some recent findings on column separation during water hammer
M Greco
Excerpta of the Italian Contributions to the Field of Hydraulic Engineering …, 1990
Numerical simulation of mud-flows impacting structures
M Greco, C Di Cristo, M Iervolino, A Vacca
Journal of Mountain Science 16 (2), 364-382, 2019
Modeling dam break granular flow
C Di Cristo, A Leopardi, M Greco
Proceedings of international conference of river flow, 895-901, 2010
Calibration for hydraulic network simulation
M Greco, C Di Cristo
International Water Resources Engineering Conference, ASCE, Seattle, 1999
Un modello per la ricostruzione di fenomeni di colpo d’ariete anche in presenza di cavitazione—Riscontro sperimentale
B Brunone, M Greco
Atti, XXII Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche 4, 147-160, 1990
Computation of flow velocity in rough channels
D Termini, M Greco
Journal of Hydraulic Research 44 (6), 777-784, 2006
River Flow 2004: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, 23-25 June 2004, Napoli, Italy, Two Volme Set
M Greco, A Carravetta, R Della Morte
CRC Press, 2004
Analysis of bedform instability with 1-D two-phase morphodynamical models
M Greco, M Iervolino, A Vacca
Advances in Water Resources 120, 50-64, 2018
Colpo d’ariete in presenza di notevoli resistenze al moto—Indagine sperimentale
M Greco, UM Golia
Idrotecnica 3, 123-137, 1982
Water hammer in branched networks
M Greco, A Carravetta
28th IAHR congress, Graz, Austria, 1999
‘Computation of flooded areas
M Greco, E Oliveri, A Leopardi
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica ed Ambientale ‘‘Girolamo Ippolito, 1999
Numerical simulation of a dam-break wave propagating over an erodible floodplain in presence of a structure
C Di Cristo, M Greco, M Iervolino, A Vacca, G La Loggia, G Freni, V Puleo, ...
HIC 2018 EPiC Series in Engineering 3, 564-571, 2018
A new Algorithm for unstructured grids and bank-failure mechanisms in morphodynamic models
S Evangelista, M Greco, M Iervolino, A Leopardi, A Vacca
Proc. XXXV IAHR Intern. Biennial Congress. Tsinghua University Press …, 2013
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