Vera Rebiazina
Vera Rebiazina
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Customer orientation as a multidimensional construct: Evidence from the Russian markets
MM Smirnova, VA Rebiazina, J Frösén
Journal of Business Research 86, 457-467, 2018
When does innovation collaboration pay off? The role of relational learning and the timing of collaboration
MM Smirnova, VA Rebiazina, SG Khomich
Industrial Marketing Management 74, 126-137, 2018
Managing portfolios of interconnected customers: evidence from Russian B2B market
E Tsybina, V Rebiazina
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 28 (3), 229-239, 2013
E-commerce adoption in Russia: Market-and store-level perspectives
VA Rebiazina, MM Smirnova, AO Daviy
St Petersburg State University, 2020
Changes in consumer behavior in the BRICS countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of trust and anxiety
S Berezka, V Rebiazina, S Muravskaia
BRICS Journal of Economics 2 (1), 53-73, 2021
Orientatsiia kompanii na klienta: rezul’taty empiricheskoi proverki na primere rossiiskogo rynka [Customer orientation: Results of the empirical test in the Russian market]
AG Rozhkov, VA Rebiazina, MM Smirnova
Rossiiskii zhurnal menedzhmenta 12 (3), 33-58, 2014
Spetsifika klientoorientirovannosti kompaniy na rossiyskom rynke: rezul’taty empiricheskogo issledovaniya [The specifics of customer-oriented companies in the Russian market …
OV Gulakova, VA Rebyazina, MM Smirnova
Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Ser. 8. Menedzhment–Bulletin of …, 2015
Consumer’s attitude to the sharing economy in Russia
VA Rebiazina, SM Berezka, NG Antonova
St Petersburg State University, 2020
Innovatsionnaya deyatel’nost’rossiyskikh kompaniy: rezul’taty empiricheskogo issledovaniya [Innovative activity of the Russian companies: Results of empirical research]
VA Rebyazina, SP Kuch, AV Krasnikov, MM Smirnova
Rossiyskiy zhurnal menedzhmenta [Russian Management Journal] 9 (3), 29-54, 2011
Investigating barriers and drivers of the e-commerce market in Russia
A Daviy, VA Rebiazina
SSRN, 2016
Do Russian consumers understand and accept the sharing economy as a new digital business model?
V Rebiazina, A Shalaeva, M Smirnova
Digital Transformation and Global Society: Third International Conference …, 2018
Interaction with partners as a factor of innovation development: A Russian industrial companies case
VA Rebyazina, MM Smirnova
Innovatsii= Innovation, 48-57, 2011
Consumer behavior factors in the sharing economy in Russia: The case of Airbnb
NY Tishchenko, OE Tishchenko, VA Rebyazina, YA Slobodchuk
Moscow University Economis Bulletin,(2), 43-63, 2019
Customer orientation in emerging markets: Concepts and empirical tests
AG Rozhkov, MM Smirnova, VA Rebiazina
Emerging Markets and the Future of the BRIC Nations, 170-190, 2015
COVID-19 pandemic, catalytic institutions, and consumer well-being: Evidence from Russia
A Krasnikov, V Rebiazina, S Berezka
Community, Economy and COVID-19: Lessons from Multi-Country Analyses of a …, 2022
COVID-19 Pandemic impact on customer loyalty factors in Russian e-commerce market
V Rebiazina, M Haddadi
International Conference on Digital Transformation and Global Society, 431-445, 2021
The customer orientation of the company: The empirical test results in a case of the Russian market
AG Rozhkov, VA Rebiazina, MM Smirnova
Russian Management Journal 12 (3), 33-58, 2014
The impact of relationship marketing practices on companies’ market and financial performance in emerging markets
V Rebiazina, E Sharko, S Berezka
Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science 29 (57), 186-204, 2024
Consumer responses to COVID policy across the World: the role of community resilience
AV Krasnikov, CJ Shultz, VA Rebiazina
Journal of International Marketing 30 (4), 60-77, 2022
Is customer orientation of companies in the Russian market real or declared?
OV Gulakova, VA Rebyazina
St Petersburg State University, 2017
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