Michael R. Lilly
Michael R. Lilly
GW Scientific
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A comparison of hydraulic conductivities, permeabilities and infiltration rates in frozen and unfrozen soils
CA McCauley, DM White, MR Lilly, DM Nyman
Cold Regions Science and Technology 34 (2), 117-125, 2002
A Review of Water Level Fluctuations on Aquatic Biota With an Emphasis on Fishes in Ice‐Covered Lakes1
PA Cott, PK Sibley, WM Somers, MR Lilly, AM Gordon
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44 (2), 343-359, 2008
Documentation of computer program (FHB1) for assignment of transient specified-flow and specified-head boundaries in applications of the modular finite-diference ground-water …
SA Leake, MR Lilly
Open-File Report, 1997
Analytical methods of the US Geological Survey's New York District water-analysis laboratory
GB Lawrence, TA Lincoln, DA Horan-Ross, ML Olson, LA Waldron
Open-File Report, 1995
Mechanism for transport of oil-contaminated groundwater into pink salmon redds
MG Carls, RE Thomas, MR Lilly, SD Rice
Marine Ecology Progress Series 248, 245-255, 2003
Assignment of boundary conditions in embedded ground water flow models
SA Leake, PW Lawson, MR Lilly, DV Claar
Groundwater 36 (4), 621-625, 1998
groundwater in Alaska (USA)
JB Callegary, CP Kikuchi, JC Koch, MR Lilly, SA Leake
Hydrogeology Journal 21 (1), 25, 2013
Chemical and Physical Controls on the Oxygen 
Regime of Ice‐Covered Arctic Lakes and Reservoirs1
H Clilverd, D White, M Lilly
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 45 (2), 500-511, 2009
Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar for Selecting Alaskan Lakes for Winter Water Use1
DM White, P Prokein, MK Chambers, MR Lilly, H Toniolo
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44 (2), 276-284, 2008
Introduction to water use from Arctic lakes: Identification, impacts, and decision support
PK Sibley, DM White, PA Cott, MR Lilly
American Water Resource Association, 2008
Exploratory Analysis of the Winter Chemistry of Five Lakes on the North Slope of Alaska1
MK Chambers, DM White, MR Lilly, LD Hinzman, KM Hilton, RC Busey
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44 (2), 316-327, 2008
A Tool for Modeling the Winter Oxygen Depletion Rate in Arctic Lakes1
DM White, HM Clilverd, AC Tidwell, L Little, MR Lilly, M Chambers, ...
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44 (2), 293-304, 2008
BPX: Health, Safety, and Environmental Plan
DM White, MR Lilly
Water and Environmental Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2006
ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc
DM White, MR Lilly
Health, Safety, and Environmental Plan. Water and Environmental Research …, 2006
Estimate of aquifer properties by numerically simulating ground-water/surface-water interactions, Fort Wainwright, Alaska
AS Nakanishi, MR Lilly
Water-Resources Investigations Report, 1998
Hydrologic Investigations of Groundwater and Surface-water Interactions In Subarctic Alaska: Paper presented at the 12th Northern Res. Basins/Workshop (Reykjavik, Iceland – Aug.23 …
LD Hinzman, M Wegner, MR Lilly
Hydrology Research 31 (4-5), 339-356, 2000
Snow survey data for the central North Slope watersheds: Spring 2010
SL Berezovskaya, JE Derry, DL Kane, RE Gieck, MR Lilly
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Water and Environmental Research Center …, 2010
Snow survey data for the Kuparuk foothills hydrology study: Spring 2008
SL Berezovskaya, JE Derry, DI Kane, RE Geick, MR Lilly, DM White
Report INE/WERC 8, 40, 2008
Ground-water levels in an alluvial plain between the Tanana and Chena Rivers near Fairbanks
RL Glass, MR Lilly, DF Meyer
Alaska, 1986
The chemical characteristics of ground water near Fairbanks, Alaska: A section in Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1998
GL Farmer, RJ Goldfarb, MR Lilly, B Bolton, AL Meier, RF Sanzolone
Professional Paper, 167-178, 2000
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