Anthony Kwan Leung
Anthony Kwan Leung
Associate Professor in Geotechnics, HKUST
在 ust.hk 的电子邮件经过验证
Effects of the roots of Cynodon dactylon and Schefflera heptaphylla on water infiltration rate and soil hydraulic conductivity
AK Leung, A Garg, JL Coo, CWW Ng, BCH Hau
Hydrological processes 29 (15), 3342-3354, 2015
Effects of plant roots on soil-water retention and induced suction in vegetated soil
AK Leung, A Garg, CWW Ng
Engineering Geology 193, 183-197, 2015
Effects of planting density on tree growth and induced soil suction
CWW Ng, JJ Ni, AK Leung, C Zhou, ZJ Wang
Géotechnique 66 (9), 711-724, 2016
Modelling hydro-mechanical reinforcements of plants to slope stability
JJ Ni, AK Leung, CWW Ng, W Shao
Computers and Geotechnics 95, 99-109, 2018
Measurements of drying and wetting permeability functions using a new stress-controllable soil column
CWW Ng, AK Leung
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 138 (1), 58-68, 2012
Effects of soil density on grass-induced suction distributions in compacted soil subjected to rainfall
CWW Ng, AK Leung, KX Woon
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 51 (3), 311-321, 2014
Experimental investigation of induced suction distribution in a grass-covered soil
CWW Ng, KX Woon, AK Leung, LM Chu
Ecological Engineering 52, 219-223, 2013
Plant age effects on soil infiltration rate during early plant establishment
AK Leung, D Boldrin, T Liang, ZY Wu, V Kamchoom, AG Bengough
Géotechnique 68 (7), 646-652, 2018
A new and simple water retention model for root-permeated soils
CWW Ng, JJ Ni, AK Leung, ZJ Wang
Géotechnique Letters 6 (1), 106-111, 2016
Centrifuge modelling of the effects of root geometry on transpiration-induced suction and stability of vegetated slopes
CWW Ng, V Kamchoom, AK Leung
Landslides 13 (5), 925-938, 2016
Investigation of plant growth and transpiration-induced matric suction under mixed grass–tree conditions
JJ Ni, AK Leung, CWW Ng
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 54 (4), 561-573, 2017
Scaling of the reinforcement of soil slopes by living plants in a geotechnical centrifuge
T Liang, AG Bengough, JA Knappett, D MuirWood, KW Loades, PD Hallett, ...
Ecological Engineering 109 (B), 207-227, 2017
Comparisons of soil suction induced by evapotranspiration and transpiration of S. heptaphylla
A Garg, AK Leung, CWW Ng
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 52 (12), 2149-2155, 2015
Analyses of groundwater flow and plant evapotranspiration in a vegetated soil slope
AK Leung, CWW Ng
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 50 (12), 1204-1218, 2013
Root biomechanical properties during establishment of woody perennials
D Boldrin, AK Leung, AG Bengough
Ecological Engineering 109, 196-206, 2017
Effects of plant growth and spacing on soil hydrological changes: a field study
CWW Ng, JJ Ni, AK Leung
Géotechnique 70 (10), 867-881, 2020
Modelling effects of root growth and decay on soil water retention and permeability
JJ Ni, AK Leung, CWW Ng
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 56 (7), 1049-1055, 2019
Automatic classification of asphalt pavement cracks using a novel integrated generative adversarial networks and improved VGG model
Y Que, Y Dai, X Ji, AK Leung, Z Chen, Z Jiang, Y Tang
Engineering Structures 277, 115406, 2023
Transpiration reduction and root distribution functions for a non-crop species Schefflera heptaphylla
A Garg, AK Leung, CWW Ng
Catena 135, 78-82, 2015
Correlating hydrologic reinforcement of vegetated soil with plant traits during establishment of woody perennials
D Boldrin, AK Leung, AG Bengough
Plant and Soil 416, 437-451, 2017
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