Wawan Kustiawan
Wawan Kustiawan
在 fahutan.unmul.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Pemanfaatan limbah kulit buah-buahan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan pupuk organik cair
M Marjenah, W Kustiawan, I Nurhiftiani, KHM Sembiring, RP Ediyono
ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis 1 (2), 2018
Structure, composition and diversity of plant communities in FSC-certified, selectively logged forests of different ages compared to primary rain forest
Arbainsyah, HH de Iongh, W Kustiawan, GR De Snoo
Biodiversity and conservation 23, 2445-2472, 2014
A review of research on the interactions between dugongs (Dugong dugon Müller 1776) and intertidal seagrass beds in Indonesia
HH De Iongh, W Kiswara, W Kustiawan, PE Loth
Hydrobiologia 591, 73-83, 2007
Total flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of tabat Barito (Ficus deltoidea Jack) on different plant organs and ages
H Manurung, W Kustiawan, IW Kusuma, M Marjenah
J Med Plants Stud 5 (6), 120-125, 2017
Shrimp farms, fire or palm oil? Changing causes of proboscis monkey habitat loss
T Toulec, S Lhota, H Soumarová, AKS Putera, W Kustiawan
Global Ecology and Conservation 21, e00863, 2020
Rapid expansion of oil palm is leading to human–elephant conflicts in North Kalimantan province of Indonesia
RB Suba, J Ploeg, M Zelfde, YW Lau, TF Wissingh, W Kustiawan, ...
Tropical Conservation Science 10, 1940082917703508, 2017
Effect of sucrose and plant growth regulators on callogenesis and preliminary secondary metabolic of different explant Myrmecodia tuberosa
YP Sari, E Kusumawati, C Saleh, W Kustiawan, S SUKARTINGSIH
Nusantara Bioscience 10 (3), 183-192, 2018
Marjenah. 2019. Pengaruh cekaman kekeringan terhadap pertumbuhan dan kadar flavonoid total tumbuhan tabat barito (Ficus deltoidea Jack)
H Manurung, W Kustiawan, IW Kusuma
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia 10 (1), 55-62, 0
YP Sari, E Kusumawati, C Saleh, W Kustiawan
Effect of sucrose and plant growth regulators on callogenesis and …, 0
Total flavonoid content and antioxidant activity in leaves and stems extract of cultivated and wild tabat barito (Ficus deltoidea Jack)
H Manurung, W Kustiawan, IW Kusuma, M Marjenah
AIP Conference Proceedings 1813 (1), 2017
Medicinal plants of Kalimantan forest: A review
W Kustiawan
Natural Life 2 (1), 24-34, 2007
Dugong foraging behavior on tropical intertidal seagrass meadows: the influence of climatic drivers and anthropogenic disturbance
AA Budiarsa, HH De Iongh, W Kustiawan, PM van Bodegom
Hydrobiologia 848 (18), 4153-4166, 2021
Foraging ecology and diet of Bornean elephants (Elephas maximus borneensis) in the Sebuku forest area, North Kalimantan Province of Indonesia: Do the choices …
RB Suba, NGP Beveridge, W Kustiawan, GR De Snoo, HH De Iongh
Integrative Zoology 13 (2), 219-223, 2018
Perkembangan vegetasi dan kondisi tanah serta revegetasi pada lahan bekas galian tambang batubara di Kalimantan Timur
W Kustiawan
Kehutanan Rimba Kalimantan 6 (2), 20-30, 2001
The potential of secondary metabolites of Myrmecodia tuberosa from different host trees
YP Sari, W Kustiawan, S SUKARTININGSIH, A Ruchaemi
Nusantara Bioscience 9 (2), 170-174, 2017
A decade of proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) population monitoring in Balikpapan Bay: Confronting predictions with empirical data
T Toulec, S Lhota, K Scott, AKS Putera, W Kustiawan, V Nijman
American Journal of Primatology 84 (2), e23357, 2022
Growth, phytochemical profile, and antioxidant activity of cultivated tabat barito (Ficus deltoidea Jack) under drought stress
H Manurung, W Kustiawan, IW Kusuma, M Marjenah, RA Nugroho
International Journal of Biosciences 14 (1), 366-378, 2019
Responses of Dipterocarp seedlings to drought stress
S Ito, Y Nishiyama, W Kustiawan
Rainforest Ecosystems of East Kalimantan: El Niño, Drought, Fire and Human …, 2000
Chemical Composition and Termicidal Activity of Scorodocarpus Borneensis Becc Bark Extracts
S Sudrajat, W Kustiawan, D Mardji, IW Kusuma
Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 9 (01), 24-30, 2018
Sumaryono,“Organic fertilizers improves Trembesi (Samanea saman) seedling growth, a case study of the implementation of postmining land reclamation and revegetation within the …
S Darma, W Kustiawan, D Ruhiyat
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 6, 393-399, 2017
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