Integrating model-driven and data-driven methods for power system frequency stability assessment and control
Q Wang, F Li, Y Tang, Y Xu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (6), 4557-4568, 2019
Review of the false data injection attack against the cyber‐physical power system
Q Wang, W Tai, Y Tang, M Ni
IET Cyber‐Physical Systems: Theory & Applications 4 (2), 101-107, 2019
A two-layer game theoretical attack-defense model for a false data injection attack against power systems
Q Wang, W Tai, Y Tang, M Ni, S You
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 104, 169-177, 2019
Overview on cyber-attacks against cyber physical power system
Y Tang, Q Chen, M Li, Q Wang, M Ni, Y Liang
Automation of Electric Power Systems 40 (17), 59-69, 2016
Framework for vulnerability assessment of communication systems for electric power grids
Q Wang, M Pipattanasomporn, M Kuzlu, Y Tang, Y Li, S Rahman
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (2), 477-486, 2016
A multi-stage game model for the false data injection attack from attacker’s perspective
N Yi, Q Wang, L Yan, Y Tang, J Xu
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 28, 100541, 2021
Commutation failure prediction method considering commutation voltage distortion and DC current variation
Q Wang, C Zhang, X Wu, Y Tang
Ieee Access 7, 96531-96539, 2019
Aggregation frequency response modeling for wind power plants with primary frequency regulation service
J Dai, Y Tang, Q Wang, P Jiang
IEEE Access 7, 108561-108570, 2019
Hybrid method for power system transient stability prediction based on two‐stage computing resources
Y Tang, F Li, Q Wang, Y Xu
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (8), 1697-1703, 2018
Mitigation strategy for duck curve in high photovoltaic penetration power system using concentrating solar power station
Q Wang, P Chang, R Bai, W Liu, J Dai, Y Tang
Energies 12 (18), 3521, 2019
An ordered curtailment strategy for offshore wind power under extreme weather conditions considering the resilience of the grid
Q Wang, Z Yu, R Ye, Z Lin, Y Tang
IEEE Access 7, 54824-54833, 2019
Design of a cosimulation platform with hardware-in-the-loop for cyber-attacks on cyber-physical power systems
Z Liu, Q Wang, Y Tang
IEEE Access 8, 95997-96005, 2020
Challenge and evolution of cyber attacks in cyber physical power system
Y Tang, Q Chen, M Li, Q Wang, M Ni, XY Fu
2016 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC …, 2016
Analysis of cyber attacks in cyber physical power system
Y Tang, Q Wang, M Ni, Y Liang
Automation of Electric Power Systems 40 (6), 148-151, 2016
A review on false data injection attack toward cyber-physical power system
W Qi, T Wei, T Yi, N Ming
Acta automatica sinica 45 (1), 72-83, 2019
Review of cyber-attacks and defense research on cyber physical power system
X Cai, Q Wang, Y Tang, L Zhu
2019 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC), 487-492, 2019
汤奕, 陈倩, 李梦雅, 王琦, 倪明, 梁云
电力系统自动化 40 (17), 59-69, 2016
Power stability analysis of UHVDC systems hierarchically connected to AC systems
Y Tang, F Li, Q Wang, B Chen, Y Jiang, X Guo
Electric Power Systems Research 163, 715-724, 2018
Hierarchical control strategy for residential demand response considering time-varying aggregated capacity
Y Tang, Q Chen, J Ning, Q Wang, S Feng, Y Li
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 97, 165-173, 2018
Frequency control strategy for black starts via PMSG-based wind power generation
Y Tang, J Dai, Q Wang, Y Feng
Energies 10 (3), 358, 2017
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