EF McCormack
EF McCormack
在 brynmawr.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Measurement of high Rydberg states and the ionization potential of H 2
E McCormack, JM Gilligan, C Cornaggia, EE Eyler
Physical Review A 39 (4), 2260, 1989
Field-induced ion-pair formation in molecular hydrogen
ST Pratt, EF McCormack, JL Dehmer, PM Dehmer
Physical review letters 68 (5), 584, 1992
Rotational state distributions from vibrational autoionization of H2 revisited
ST Pratt, EF McCormack, JL Dehmer, PM Dehmer
The Journal of chemical physics 92 (3), 1831-1838, 1990
Precise two-photon spectroscopy of intervals in
EE Eyler, J Gilligan, E McCormack, A Nussenzweig, E Pollack
Physical Review A 36 (7), 3486, 1987
Double resonance spectroscopy of the B ″B¯ Σ u+ 1 state of H 2
RC Ekey Jr, A Marks, EF McCormack
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (2), 023412, 2006
Double-resonance laser-induced grating spectroscopy of nitric oxide
EF McCormack, ST Pratt, PM Dehmer, JL Dehmer
Chemical physics letters 211 (1), 147-155, 1993
Perturbed structure of molecular hydrogen near the second dissociation limit
EF McCormack, EE Eyler
Physical review letters 66 (8), 1042, 1991
Double-resonance spectroscopy of autoionizing states of N 2 near the ionization threshold
EF McCormack, ST Pratt, JL Dehmer, PM Dehmer
Physical Review A 42 (9), 5445, 1990
Observation of hyperfine quantum beats in two-color laser-induced grating spectroscopy of nitric oxide
EF McCormack, ST Pratt, PM Dehmer, JL Dehmer
Chemical physics letters 227 (6), 656-662, 1994
Analysis of the 8f, 9f, and 10f, v=1 Rydberg states of
EF McCormack, ST Pratt, JL Dehmer, PM Dehmer
Physical Review A 44 (5), 3007, 1991
Exploring Interdisciplinarity: The Significance of Metaphoric and Metonymic Exchange.
A Dalke, P Grobstein, E McCormack
Journal of Research Practice 2 (2), M3, 2006
Dissociation dynamics of high‐v Rydberg states of molecular hydrogen
EF McCormack, ST Pratt, PM Dehmer, JL Dehmer
The Journal of chemical physics 98 (11), 8370-8383, 1993
Spectroscopic observation of bound ungerade ion-pair states in molecular hydrogen
RC Ekey Jr, EF McCormack
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (2), 020501, 2011
Dynamics of Rydberg states of nitric oxide probed by two-color resonant four-wave mixing spectroscopy
EF McCormack, F Di Teodoro, JM Grochocinski, ST Pratt
The Journal of chemical physics 109 (1), 63-71, 1998
Multiple spacecraft Michelson stellar interferometer
RV Stachnik, P Melroy, EF McCormack, D Arnold, DY Gezari
Instrumentation in astronomy V 445, 358-369, 1984
Polarization effects in quantum coherences probed by two-color, resonant four-wave mixing in the time domain
EF McCormack, E Sarajlic
Physical Review A 63 (2), 023406, 2001
Constant‐ionic‐state spectroscopy of high‐v Rydberg states of molecular hydrogen
ST Pratt, PM Dehmer, JL Dehmer
The Journal of chemical physics 97 (5), 3038-3049, 1992
Multistate interactions in nitric oxide probed by laser‐induced grating spectroscopy
EF McCormack, PM Dehmer, JL Dehmer, ST Pratt
The Journal of chemical physics 102 (12), 4740-4746, 1995
Alignment of the E,F1Σ+g, vE=1 state of H2 by two‐photon excitation
EF McCormack, ST Pratt, JL Dehmer, PM Dehmer
The Journal of chemical physics 92 (8), 4734-4739, 1990
Double-resonance spectroscopy of a complex resonance in molecular nitrogen
EF McCormack, ST Pratt, PM Dehmer, JL Dehmer
Physical Review A 45 (7), 4697, 1992
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