Suresh Elumalai
Suresh Elumalai
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
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On the symmetric division deg index of molecular graphs
A Ali, S Elumalai, T Mansour
MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 83, 205-220, 2020
Counting relations for general Zagreb indices
BAG Xavier, E Suresh, I Gutman
Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 38 (1), 95-103, 2014
On ABC Index of Graphs
KC Das, S Elumalai, I Gutman
MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 78 (n2), 459-468, 2017
Open problems on the exponential vertex-degree-based topological indices of graphs
KC Das, S Elumalai, S Balachandran
Discrete Applied Mathematics 293, 38-49, 2021
On the bounds of the forgotten topological index
S Elumalai, T Mansour, MA Rostami
Turkish Journal of Mathematics 41 (6), 1687-1702, 2017
New sharp lower bounds for the first Zagreb index
T Mansour, MA Rostami, E Suresh, GBA Xavier
Scientific Publications of the State University of Novi Pazar Series A 8, 11-19, 2016
On energy of graphs
KC Das, S Elumalai
MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 77 (1), 3-8, 2017
The minimum ABS index of trees with given number of pendent vertices
V Maitreyi, S Elumalai, S Balachandran
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.05177, 2022
Smallest ABS index of unicyclic graphs with given girth
P Nithya, S Elumalai, S Balachandran, S Mondal
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 69 (5), 3675-3692, 2023
Correcting a paper on the Randic and geometric-arithmetic indices
T Mansour, M Ali Rostami, S Elumalai, GBA Xavier
Turkish journal of Mathematics 41 (1), 27-32, 2017
On the bounds of the first reformulated Zagreb index
T Mansour, MA Rostami, E Suresh, GBA Xavier
Turkish Journal of Analysis and Number Theory 4 (1), 8-15, 2016
More on inverse degree and topological indices of graphs
S Elumalai, SM Hosamani, T Mansour, MA Rostami
Filomat 32 (1), 165-178, 2018
Maximum and Second Maximum of Geometric–Arithmetic Index of Tricyclic Graphs
H Deng, S Elumalai, S Balachandran
MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 79 (2), 467-475, 2018
On the complementary equienergetic graphs
A Ali, S Elumalai, T Mansour, MA Rostami
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.12963, 2019
On the general zeroth-order Randic index of bargraphs
S Elumalai, T Mansour
Discrete Mathematics Letters 2, 6-9, 2019
A Short Note on Hyper Zagreb Index
S Elumalai, T Mansour, MA Rostami, GBA Xavier
Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática 37 (2), 51--58, 2019
New bounds on the hyper-Zagreb index for the simple connected graphs
S Elumalai, T Mansour, MA Rostami
Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 6 (1), 237859, 2018
Extremal values of the atom-bond sum-connectivity index in bicyclic graphs
K Aarthi, S Elumalai, S Balachandran, S Mondal
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 69 (6), 4269-4285, 2023
Some tight bounds for the harmonic index and the variation of the Randić index of graphs
H Deng, S Balachandran, S Elumalai
Discrete Mathematics 342 (7), 2060-2065, 2019
Note on the minimum bond incident degree indices of k-cyclic graphs
H Liu, Z Du, Y Huang, H Chen, S Elumalai
MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 91, 255-265, 2024
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