Learning from museums JH Falk, LD Dierking Rowman & Littlefield, 2018 | 5010 | 2018 |
The museum experience revisited JH Falk, LD Dierking Routledge, 2016 | 4775 | 2016 |
Identity and the museum visitor experience JH Falk Routledge, 2016 | 1702 | 2016 |
Development of visual preference for natural environments JD Balling, JH Falk Environment and behavior 14 (1), 5-28, 1982 | 989 | 1982 |
Lessons without limit: How free-choice learning is transforming education JH Falk, LD Dierking Rowman Altamira, 2002 | 872 | 2002 |
Using the contextual model of learning to understand visitor learning from a science center exhibition J Falk, M Storksdieck Science education 89 (5), 744-778, 2005 | 839 | 2005 |
Visitors’ learning for environmental sustainability: Testing short-and long-term impacts of wildlife tourism experiences using structural equation modelling R Ballantyne, J Packer, J Falk Tourism management 32 (6), 1243-1252, 2011 | 746 | 2011 |
The effect of visitors ‘agendas on museum learning JH Falk, T Moussouri, D Coulson Curator: The Museum Journal 41 (2), 107-120, 1998 | 711 | 1998 |
School field trips: Assessing their long‐term impact JH Falk, LD Dierking Curator: The Museum Journal 40 (3), 211-218, 1997 | 668 | 1997 |
The 95 percent solution JH Falk, LD Dierking American Scientist 98 (6), 486-493, 2010 | 649 | 2010 |
Free‐choice environmental learning: framing the discussion JH Falk* Environmental education research 11 (3), 265-280, 2005 | 560 | 2005 |
Policy statement of the “informal science education” ad hoc committee LD Dierking, JH Falk, L Rennie, D Anderson, K Ellenbogen Journal of research in science teaching 40 (2), 108-111, 2003 | 522 | 2003 |
Investigating public science interest and understanding: Evidence for the importance of free-choice learning JH Falk, M Storksdieck, LD Dierking Public understanding of Science 16 (4), 455-469, 2007 | 513 | 2007 |
Why zoos and aquariums matter: Assessing the impact of a visit to a zoo or aquarium JH Falk, EM Reinhard, CL Vernon, K Bronnenkant, JE Heimlich, ... | 513 | 2007 |
Travel and learning: A neglected tourism research area JH Falk, R Ballantyne, J Packer, P Benckendorff Annals of Tourism Research 39 (2), 908-927, 2012 | 474 | 2012 |
Investigating the impact of prior knowledge and interest on aquarium visitor learning JH Falk, LM Adelman Journal of research in science teaching 40 (2), 163-176, 2003 | 433 | 2003 |
An identity‐centered approach to understanding museum learning JH Falk Curator: The museum journal 49 (2), 151-166, 2006 | 430 | 2006 |
Digital technologies and the museum experience: Handheld guides and other media J Bowen, J Bradburne, A Burch, L Dierking, J Falk, SF Fantoni, ... Rowman Altamira, 2008 | 429 | 2008 |
Family behavior and learning in informal science settings: A review of the research. LD Dierking, JH Falk Science Education, 1994 | 415 | 1994 |
The novel field-trip phenomenon: Adjustment to novel settings interferes with task learning WW MARTIN, JD BALLING J. of Res. in Sci. Teaching 15 (2), 127-134, 1977 | 403 | 1977 |